The vast majority of people say they think Trump will be remembered as a top 10 president– “if history is fair.”
A collective 92% said Trump’s place will be either “#1” or “Top 10.”
That’s according to the latest unscientific poll of 2,446 people at
Three percent (3%) say Trump will be viewed as “Just above average,” while a collective 2% say he will be in the “Bottom 10” or “Last.”
If history is fair, Trump’s place among presidents will be:
42% #1
50% Top 10
3% Just above average
1% About the middle
<1% Just below average
1% Bottom 10
1% Last
Whatever he touched he exposed, usually as a fraud. For some reason he drove his enemies wild and in attacking him they exposed themselves. Nancy will go down in history as one of the great villains of our political history. Her hatred of him drove her to the brink of decency, and beyond. The FBI will never be the same. The national media will never be the same. Foreign wars are forever dented reputationally. I only hope that he is not the Marcus Aurelius of American democracy, the last gasp before the darkness.
Ed Eichman,
Re: ‘. . . FBI will never be the same . . .’
Consider this :
“Lawyer Up and get out of my office!”—
an FBI agent’s strange, unprofessional
command to a civilian. :
“In the meantime, this raises further troubling
questions about the culture at the FBI and how
seriously it took what was on the world’s most
infamous MacBook.
“If Isaac’s father really was told to ‘lawyer up and
get out’ of the FBI agent’s office, that agent
should be made to lawyer up and get out of the
President Trump’s list of significant accomplishments….. tax reform, major cuts to regulations, top-notch supreme court justices, micro-loans in minority communities, advancement of peace in the Middle East, stemming the flow of drugs/illegal immigrants into our country, pursuing concessions from China on it’s unfair trade practices, and COVID vaccines in record time….. could have put him in the top tier of presidents. Unfortunately, he is also too thin-skinned, combative, and ego driven. In the end, his negative traits caused good people to flee from his administration. Chaos and anger became rampant throughout the country and he fueled that anger rather than calming it. Obviously, much of the blame can also be laid at the feet of the opposition party, but in the end, he cared more about Donald Trump, than unifying the country. That tremendous failure will forever be a black stain on what would have been a great presidency.
Trump often shot himself in the foot with his Tweets and brash rhetoric, but barely a week into the Biden administration the contrast between the two men is already strikingly clear: Trump was a pro-American president and a pro-worker president. Biden is a globalist who disdains the common man and American sovereignty. (His disdain for the common man has been apparent for years; whenever a little guy asks him a question he doesn’t like, Biden gets nasty, even menacing, advancing on the person like he’s going to attack them.)
We have been gaslighted for four years, with the media trying to tell us that Trump is simultaneously a Russian asset, a treasonous tool of Putin, yet somehow an American nationalist, and that his supporters are a huge throng of violent white-supremacists.
We have also been told that the globalist Democrats, the party that demonizes both our history and our currently reality as irredeemably racist, which despises out Constitution, kneels disrespectfully during the national anthem, tears down our monuments and renames our schools, is the party of patriotism.
Already the Dems are creating the atmosphere of a police state – filling the nation’s capital with armed troops and barbed wire, promising a war on terror against “domestic enemies,” and partnering with Big Tech to suppress political opposition and free speech.
I think all of the previous comments were well thought out and expressed valid points about President Trump. My own opinion: he was elected to shake up Washington and shake it up he did. Yes, he often stepped on his own good news with retaliatory tweets that accomplished nothing. He exposed just how ugly and poisonous the political culture is in Washington. Congress appears to be a pathetic mix of the power hungry and those too cowardly to risk their careers confronting the power hungry. Trump exposed that in a way it had not been exposed previously.
President Trump renewed faith and belief that government can work for the People, provided the right people are in office. He started a movement, Rather than start a new party, Donald Trump should now set his sights on electing candidates that will drive the MAGA agenda, driving from office Democrats and Republicans like Romney, Sasse, McConnell, Murkowski and others out of office. What America needs is a Republican Party that puts the interests of American citizens ahead of everything else: illegal immigrants, allies, and the 21st Century version of Nazi Germany, Communist China.
Well said!
I concur!
I agree with the top 10 Presidents, I could never in good faith place him as the Best. But he battled a much more difficult enemy than any other president had to face. I am not sure we can survive Biden. Unless the Democrats clean up their party, the future does not bode well for those that oppose the agenda of the Global Elite.
Trump is the first president to be impeached twice. He’s one of three president who lost the popular vote twice, he’s the first president since Hoover to leave office with fewer Americans employed than when he entered the WH.
Thanks to Trump’s incredibly inept response to the pandemic, we lead the world in numbers of cases and deaths. We have 14 million Americans out of work and 50 million hungry, including 25% of all US children.