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8 thoughts on “The skinny on all things Covid-19, according to virologist John Dye (PODCAST)”

  1. Sounds like these vaccine makers are winging it. I hope they are more careful with other vaccines, but I doubt it. You can see from this what their real attitude toward vaccine safety is. Here they are giving a barely tested experimental vaccine to the entire planet. This is a violation of the Nuremberg code. Why? All for a virus that is not a problem in 99% of cases. And all the infection and death data is so suspect with the misuse of the PCR test. We are in the hands of madmen. They have too much power and they see themselves as gods. Scary times. Not from the virus but from the medical establishment.

  2. Full Measure Team,

    Provide D3 and iodine and a high-quality multivitamin
    to BLACKs and LATINO, and REDUCE their mortality—to
    REMEDY this Covid-19 outcome :


    – Not Medical Advice, bu MY Experience –

    I use a two-per-day MULTI, from lef.com (( subscription/year—but magazine archives are free ))


  3. When a viral infection has a 94-99% recovery rate, is there research that determines who fits into the potential 1-6% mortality category?

    Age is one category; what else. What testing could help determine one’s own vulnerability and risk of mortality if contracting this virus?

  4. Do you know someone to interview that can provide actual information about “covid” treatment research?

    What is the best protocol if (1) one is exposed to someone who tests positive, (2) one becomes symptomatic, or (3) one is asymptomatic, but tests positive. Or if one is symptomatic, but stays home and treats it like an ordinary flu or cold and does not get tested. Just rides it out.

    Agree, I am also very concerned about bogus incidence and mortality numbers as well as testing results that are all over the place. Dr Birx early demand to put all deaths into even an “assumed covid” category was the first major misstep in this entire year long night mare.

    As more was learned about the diagnosis specifics, this over arching inclusion catgory should have been cleaned up immediately. But it was not. By then “covid” had become a political foot ball or battering ram and all scientific objectivity was thrown out the window.

    Elon Musk having four tests in the same day at the same lab and getting two different results – he has it and he does not have it. Who got a positive after sticking the swab in a glass of Coca Cola? An out of control farce should not be tearing our nation and its economy down. But it is hard to see it now as anything but.

    This seems like a no-brainer to clear up the high false positive testing numbers, since testing reliability now drives 99% of our lockdown criteria and appears to be borderline 100% bogus.

    Thank you for finding people to interview and offering clear responses to good questions.

  5. Wondering if you have interviewed or plan to interview America’s Frontline Doctors? They have a white paper out on the covid19 experimental vaccines and have been censored. Would love to see you interview them.

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