One in three troops offered the COVID vaccine have refused it so far (REPORT)

The Department of Defense says about one-third of troops offered the COVID vaccine have refused it. That’s according to a Stars and Stripes report.

Pentagon officials declined to provide the information about the number of troops vaccinated until Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL) recently requested it, according to the report.

The Pentagon’s homeland defense chief, Robert Salesses, says that about 147,000 troops have been fully vaccinated, while another 212,000 have received the first of their two doses.

The Pentagon cannot mandate the vaccine since it has only been authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on an emergency basis, says Stars and Stripes.

Pentagon officials say they want more service members and other members of the Defense Department community to accept the vaccinations, and they are continuing to educate the forces about the vaccines’ safety and benefits.

One-third of troops refusing coronavirus vaccine

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27 thoughts on “One in three troops offered the COVID vaccine have refused it so far (REPORT)”

  1. This boggles my mind! I served in 1947 and then recalled for Korean War, 1950, and no one ever gave us a choice about vaccinations. You lined up. You got them. Period. If our military is to get anywhere close to herd immunity, then why are the virus shots mandatory? How will the military protect our nation if they can not protect themselves?

    1. The term “vaccine” is actually a misnomer. What’s injected into the body isn’t a weakened virus or even selected antigens but rather protein coding instructions that tell your body’s cells how to make the antigens on their own.
      it’s a novel and experimental technique about which we don’t know much, carrying many types of health risks and which has resulted in many casualties. more @ Dr. Coleman:

    2. Thats because those were approved drugs , this is not an approved drug , Its only been released as a stop gap . Tbey cannot force anyone take it, yet

    3. You need to educate yourself on herd immunity. It only works with natural infections, not vaccinations. Obviously the 1/3 troops have done their research.

  2. Would like to know how many people declining vaccinations have tested positive for the virus or positive for antibodies from having the virus. Since states such as Georgia are showing daily antibody positive test rates I would like to know how many people are declining or deferring immunization since they have already acquired some level of immunity.

    1. although in the form of injections, this is not a ‘vaccine’ in the classic sense and is designed to work in a specific way that manipulates a reaction at a cellular level. With mRNA vaccines, what’s injected into the body isn’t a weakened virus or even selected antigens but protein coding instructions that tell your body’s cells how to make the antigens on their own. It’s sort of like writing down and delivering to someone a set of instructions for building a catapult to protect the castle. Instead of building catapults and delivering them to the castle, you’re telling the inhabitants inside the castle how to build their own catapults to fend off invaders…..

  3. Is it possible that it is being declined so that more is available for those most at risk? That would make a lot of sense given that military men and women are accustomed to making sacrifices for others. Just a thought.

  4. I pray for our troops daily. Nobody should be forced to get this experimental shot – it is not a vaccine. Anyone foolish enough to get this shot has evidently not done their due diligence and investigated the ingredients. It is abortion tainted, contains mRNA technology that will cause your body to have a spike protein that will lead to autoimmune diseases and that will lead to a condition known as “pathogenic priming.” The jab will resort in causing infertility. According to VAERS there have already been 600+ deaths from the jab and THOUSANDS of adverse events. All for a virus with a 99.95-99.97 survival rate. Anyone notice that we have evidently cured the flu this year? Generally speaking we have had 220k deaths at this point in the “flu season “ – this year we’ve had none.

  5. The British NHS recommends that pregnant and lactating women do not receive the COVID vaccine due to several incidents of placental damage. In addition preliminary data suggests that women who receive the vaccine become infertile. Although the long-term effects on fertility are not yet known, women have very good reason to reject the vaccine.

  6. Perhaps they’ve done their research.

    1953 Fitzgerald Report
    1976 Swine Flu Hoax
    2009 Swine Flu
    …same story different year.

    The military members are not alone… there are masses of people in other government agencies who also refused.

  7. ..And those troops who refuse the ‘vaccine’ will be ‘labeled’, at worst, Domestic Terrorists. THEY have MANY ways to MAKE YOU ‘CHOOSE’ to COMPLY.
    98 % + recovery rate, especially for these younger, healthier, stronger individuals says FARCE to taking an experiMENTAL ‘vaccine.

  8. Sound and useful science requires a Control Group. So why is there so much pressure and effort being applied to eliminate it? ?

    1. They don’t want to see how healthy those 1/3 remain…
      Same reason the government did away with individual measles, mumps and rubella shots in 2009. Now no one can compare kids who received the individual shots vs. the MMR combo. You can only get those individual shots in other countries, not U.S.

      1. I’d also be interested in a longitudinal study on those of us old enough to have had the actual measles and mumps vs. those who had the vaccines.

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