The wild weather in Texas and how it knocked out power to millions exposed weaknesses in America’s energy system.
Energy analysts are predicting more blackouts ahead due to economic factors like coal plants closing and competitive factors between fossil fuel and so-called “green energy.”
This week on Full Measure, my cover story investigates the tension between oil and gas companies versus those that make energy from solar and wind. Did an eye-opening “hot mic” moment at a meeting in Montana prove—the fix is in? Either way, the dynamic is costing you money. Find out how.
I’ll also tell you about some of the biggest news you probably haven’t heard about: under a new rule, for the first time, hospitals are required to provide patients with upfront pricing for medical procedures. You can shop around! And the difference can be up to $10,000 or more!
Joce Sterman explores why Covid-19 shutdowns put some rural hospitals on the brink of financial disaster.
And we’ll make a fun trip to a dinosaur museum that’s off the beaten path, but a place you won’t want to miss.
We never waste your time rehashing the same news you’ve heard all week. Find out where and when to watch on TV or online by clicking this link: How to Watch Full Measure
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Possibly, you folks will do a report about
“The State of American Civilization—before
and after Marxian Ted Kennedy passed
Shadow Elites’ anti-white immigration bill
of 1965.
That bill began our march into D Y S T O P I A :
Building D y s t o p i a In America
– – –
– Democrats’ Weepy Pledge not to Leave Anybody Behind –
One very telling difference between Democrat and Republican
conventions is the application of tear-jerking emotionalism
(Democrats: common to see quivering lips and tearing eyes
among conventioneers) or dry-eyed rationalism (Republicans:
rarely a quivering lip or tearing eye, although the Republicans’
dangerous move leftward at this 2000 convention, in order
to attract emotion-driven women, risks for the nation a
further abandonment of reason for emotionalism).
Marx and Engels’ Utopian Plans
Marx and Engels sought to create a pan for Utopian – a
perfect social and political system – through instructions in
their book, The Communist Manifesto.
To rational minds, given the extant records from these
past seventy years of applied socialism and communism,
Marx and Engels’ book presents a deadly recipe for
dystopia not Utopia.
An Impossible Utopia
Sir Thomas More’s 1516 book, Utopia, about an imaginary
island of perfect social and political harmony, isn’t just
fictional but i m p o s s i b l e to attain.
Marx and Engels believed Utopia to be possible, exhibiting
a right-brained obsession with constructing the perfect
social and political system (read my essays on the relation-
ship between political affiliation and right- or left-brained
dominance). 100-million-plus souls have been brutally
sacrificed this century on the altar of Marx and Engels’
Deadly Left-Wing Utopians
Leftists’ emotionalism demands that nobody be left behind,
which refrain is heard at Democrat political conventions,
and which philosophy necessarily requires that all social
systems be adjusted to meet the needs of the lowest
common denominator in society–because, generally, the
lowest lack the heritable talents to meet the higher stan-
dard while the heritably gifted may easily be forced to rein
in their abilities, or may be denied employment and other
opportunities, to effect more equal outcomes.
It was leftists’ utopianism that generated the 1964 Special
Rights Act and drove the forced integration of blacks into
white civil society (dumbing down whites’ public schools).
It was leftists’ utopianism that demanded women’s right
to abandon hearth and home (and “right” to kill wombed
babies) for attaining equal standing in men’s traditional
It was leftists’ utopianism that began the sexual revolution,
to effect equal and universal sexual gratification (to even-
tually include adult/child sexuality; read about the American
Psychological Association’s recent push toward weakening
social taboos against pedophilia).
It was leftists’ utopianism that constructed the United
Nation’s body, for building a borderless, one-world govern-
ment; for applying Global Economic Socialism.
It was leftists’ utopianism that viewed the Soviet Union
and United States as morally and culturally equivalent,
rather than to admit the former’s evil and the latter’s
It is leftists’ utopianism destroying white Western civiliza-
tion in North America, using leftists’ gods, DIVERSITY
(multiracialism and multiculturalism) and TOLERANCE
(anything-goes hedonism), to that bad end.
Increasing Diversity Effects Social Chaos: Dystopia
To any logical mind, increasing racial, cultural, religious and
lingual diversity in any society builds dystopia – dreadful
social conditions (read Aristotle). And increasing tolerance
necessarily leads to libertine hedonism, as the idea
“tolerance” has no limitations in liberals’ mind; they won’t
tell you what they are since naming them would present
a slippery slope toward censorhip and increasing morality.
Liberals’ never tell you what the limits of their tolerance
are. For example, in the Seventies liberals began fighting
for homosexuals’ full acceptance by mainstream society.
They’ve nearly succeeded. Today their fight is increasingly
for more “understanding” of pedophiles, which fight begins
with the APA’s removal of pedophilia from the “mental
disease” category, just as it aided homosexuality by remov-
ing it from that category in 1973.
Good civil society requires racial and cultural and religious
and lingual uniformity, and a controlled tolerance for
keeping the peace and maintaining general well being.
All civilizations rise up from such uniformity. It’s as close as
we’ll ever get to experiencing Utopia. Here’s an example
of what is required to effect good civil society, as
described by Founder John Jay:
“With equal pleasure I have as often taken
notice, that Providence has been pleased to
give this one connected country, to one
united people, a people descended from the
same ancestors, speaking the same language,
professing the same religion, attached to the
same principles of government, very similar in
their manners and customs, and who, but
their joint counsels, arms and efforts, fighting
side by side throughout a long and bloody
war, have nobly established their General
Liberty and Independence.”
Obvious Ingredients for Peaceful Societies
Examine any black family in which there are both light-
and dark-skinned children. One finds favoritism towards
light-skinned children and some degree of resentment
on the part of dark-skinned ones who see the favoritism.
And in black communities an undercurrent of “shadism”
is practiced to divide the community between the dark-
and light-skinned..
Such discrimination is a product of natural psychological
drives, as research findings about infants’ preferences
for certain shapes and shades of color of the human face
make the case for heritable proclivities.
Black infants lacking any cultural influences chose attractive
white faces over that of their own black mother. Think of
the implications of that phenomenon, as it relates to race
relations in multiracial communities, and to whites’ survival
as a race (if white men must competer with men of color
for white women, because men or color heritably favor a
white face, then the phenomenon is genocidal for whites).
That’s nature at work, not social conditioning. It’s nature
that Utopians try defying in building their perfect society,
effecting great hardship, suffering and death by their
emotion-driven yearning for perfect equality.
Again, 100-million-plus people this century have brutally
perished at the hands of Utopian leftists–at the hands of
the we-can-defy-human-nature utopianism (read my essay,
“Utopian Terrorists”).
America is Dying Morally and Culturally and Racially
America is in steep moral and cultural decline because of
Marxist/socialist/feminists’ – aka liberal Democrats’ – utopian-
ism (greatly aided by unethical capitalists’ greedy profit-
seeking, supporting open-borders immigration and one-
world government to that evil end; read my essays about
the evils of Marxism and capitalism).
If Democrats’ utopianism is left unchecked by the Right
(by either the vote or armed force), the founding race and
culture of white Western civilization will be but a remnant
in the latter half of the 21st century.
Dystopia Is Building All About You
If you’re a white American, you live in a constant state of
agitation about the social dystopia building about you. Each
time you see a person of color on the street or in a store, you
necessarily wonder of he/she is an illegal immigrant.
But of one thing you may be certain, he/she is an anti-whtie
racist, either imported by your own government or and invader
from the Third World.
How many more prisons can you build to keep yourself and
family safe? This unprecedented prison population is not a
symptom of a healthy society. Minorities housed within them
– the majority population – are anti-white racists, who put on
a face of both congeniality and victimization, the first to fool
you about their intention to topple your race and culture for
their own tribe while the second face keeps you guilty about
the bad social conditions in their homelands, which conditions
are their own responsibility not yours.
Black and “Hispanic” (mostly Mexican, Central American and
South American Indian) populations are building rapidly to
topple your white race and Western culture. Add to those
growing anti-white/anti-Western racists the Filipino, Arab,
Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Iraqi, Egyptian and other minority
communities rising up to TAKE their “rightful” piece of the
American Pie, as their American Dream rapidly becomes
whites’ horrific nightmare–whites’ dystopia.
Fight for your race – your white Western culture – or perish!
Halt importation of anti-white/anti-Christian/anti-Western races,
religions and cultures–or perish as a race and civilization.
Very good read Rick.
Thanks, Richard !
I’ve never had available, for my MUSE’s scribblings, an
editor. They’re all unfinished in that regard.
In the 1980s, Editor-in-Chief of The Washington Times,
Wesley Pruden, had asked me to tone-down my essays,
so that he could publish them. I didn’t abide his seduction.
That paper still is moving LEFTWARD while, at the time,
my MUSE was leading me further and further RIGHTWARD
(( his firing of truth-teller Sam Francis, about which he and I
argued, displayed some behind-the-scenes CONTROL of
him )).
Senator Ted “the Swimmer” Kennedy was involved in every destructive bill that Congress passed from the 1965 Immigration Reform Bill, Great Society bills, 1968 Government Finance Reform Act, the Swimmer wrote “No Child Left Behind Act*” and “0bamacare was passed in his honor. Anchor Babies were created by an Executive Order proclaimed by President LBJ, later entered into the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) by a civil rights agency. To do this the LBJ and this agency perverted he 14th Amendment. There is a 1967 Supreme Court decision that struck down the requirement that a immigrant renounce the citizenship of the country they emigrated from because it violated their civil rights. It is not like we forced them to come here.
= The US has spent $23 Trillion dollars on Great Society programs according to estimates by Walter Williams.
= We have an estimated 50 million dual citizens in the US, most hostile to the US. Most anchor babies are in families hostile to the US. The 2 immigration related bills and the dual citizenship creation are designed to destroy pride in being an American.
= The 1968 Finance Reform Act opened up the Medicare and Social Security Trust Funds so they could be spent on General Fund expenditures with specific authorization.
Communism and Fascism/Nazism take their philosophies from Marx, Engle, & Nietzsche and are products of the Left. Fascism/Nazism is also a search for Utopia. Utopia is an ancient Greek word that translates as “No Where”.
* No Child Left Behind was written so it would fail because it was and is statistically impossible. Yet, no one says that because the Swimmer was the Conscience of the Senate.
Western Civilization was created out of Christianity, Capitalism, Democracy and with them a Middle Class.
Each of those 4 components have openly been under attack since 1950s and subtly since no later than the 1920s. Our morals and values have been created from those 4 components, which is why they were removed from public life, schools, and even some Churches.
JungianINTP / Rick.
You should have toned it down. I do not mean change your values, but there was no need to present them all at once.
The Fabian Society, London School of Economics, George Bernard Shaw developed “The Law of Gradualism” or small incremental changes so subtle that people do not know they are being made until it is too late for people to stop it. The Law of Gradualism is also known as “baby-steps” and slow and steady, the Left put us exactly where they want us.
If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.
It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? {{{{{ “Forbid it, Almighty God! ” }}}}I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death![66][67]
Set off in brackets are words usually omitted from textbooks. The Founders were very religious, yet the omission of those few words and every other reference to God have given us a society that believes the Founders were Atheists or at best Deists while Hitler was a Christian. Hitler had been into the occult since he began his Nazi activities.
Yes, Kevin, Hitler wasn’t Christian.
PBS had produced a very well-done documentary
about his occult works (( broadcast was late Nineties,
or so. )).
In any case, regarding mass extinction of dinosaurs
and climate, this is far more concerning :
Somewhere in Sharyl’s pages is my reference
to Robert Felix (( journalist-turned-climate-expert ))
and his book, “Not by Fire but by Ice.”
This article closely relates to his findings :
“While the magnetic poles often wander, some scientists are concerned about the current rapid movement of the north magnetic pole across the Northern Hemisphere.
” ‘This speed — alongside the weakening of Earth’s magnetic field by around nine per cent in the past 170 years — could indicate an upcoming reversal,’ ” says Prof. Cooper.
” ‘If a similar event happened today, the consequences would be huge for modern society. Incoming cosmic radiation would destroy our electric power grids and satellite networks.’ ”
“Prof. Turney says the human-induced climate crisis is catastrophic enough without throwing major solar changes or a pole reversal in the mix.” :
P.S., Kevin :
The last paragraph above,
re “Prof. Turney says . . .”—his
“human-induced climate crisis”
remark is COMPLETE Folly..
The last page in Felix’s book explains what the Defense Department
is desperately trying to keep hidden from us—in order to prevent loss
of any hope.
But Felix explains that HOPE rests in preparation; e.g., I had purchased
his book to give away to political leaders, such as my own state’s gov-
ernor, advising him to study the book, then prepare all the garden/plant facilities across the state—to plan for an ABRUPT conversion to FOOD-
Growing facilities.