Georgia passes election integrity law


Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia recently signed an election integrity bill that will require voter identification for absentee ballots, among other measures.

The bill easily passed through Georgia’s Republican-majority House and Senate.

The new state law requires absentee voters to provide identification rather than election officials verifying signatures through the controversial processes they used in 2020.

Under the new law, the state is no longer permitted to mail out absentee ballot applications unsolicited, as happened during the pandemic.

The 95-page bill also addresses ballot drop box security, permissible voting time frames, and acts that could inappropriately influence voters waiting in line to vote.

Critics of the new law say it is an effort at voter suppression and denies equal opportunity to minority voters.

Others say reform was necessary to ensure confidence in Georgia’s election integrity after widespread questions about voting practices and fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

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5 thoughts on “Georgia passes election integrity law”

  1. CallingItLikeItIs

    What an opportunistic moment for the left!
    Changing all of the voting laws & procedures which allowed even more ways to cheat all under the guise of a very peculiar timing of a pandemic. And now, they saw how well it worked they want to keep those changes (and propose more) to ensure victories in the future. Other states should follow GA and do the same and much more.

  2. every attempt to have honest and valid and verifiable elections is called “voter suppression” by these vile Democrats. well done though by the good people of Georgia if this becomes law.

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