POLL: Most say U.S. in border crisis and it’s an emergency

Ninety-nine percent (99%) of the over 2000 people who responded to the latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com say the U.S. is in a border crisis and it’s an emergency.

Fewer than 1% total say it’s not a crisis and it’s being handled.

The rest say the U.S. is definitely not in a crisis or are unsure (<1%).

Do you think the U.S. has a border crisis?

99% Yes, it’s an emergency

<1% Not crisis, it’s being handled

<1% Definitely not

<1% Not sure

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9 thoughts on “POLL: Most say U.S. in border crisis and it’s an emergency”

  1. The primary responsibility of a President is to protect us from foreign invaders, Biden’s dictatorship is doing the exact opposite of that and ge needs to be charged with treason and several other felonies.

  2. The primary responsibility of a President is to protect us from foreign invaders, Biden’s dictatorship is doing the exact opposite of that and ge needs to be charged with treason and several other felonies.

  3. Arrogant American hating Mayorcas is the Director of HOMELAND Security. What an abomination and disaster! Roll up that red carpet and finish the WALL!!

  4. Article IV, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution guarantees to every State protection from Invasion.
    60,000+ unlawful entries per month into the U.S. constitutes an Invasion. After 30,000,000+ persons entering this way, it is time to call this what it is a migratory Invasion.
    The border States should sue the Federal Government for an egregious failure and dereliction of duty to maintain this Constitutional State guaranteed protection.
    Sue, make the FEDs complete the wall construction and maintain the border secure from unlawful entry…..

  5. Is there anything we can do about it? The Democratic LeftWingNuts are completely out of control…..Hellbent on destroying our country while they languish in LaLaLand. It sucks. Period.

    1. Without a number of Democrats getting rid of their leadership and wacko members, Nope,
      There may be another option, but I am not sure.

  6. If this was truly a crisis or emergency, it would have been stopped.
    If your bathtub is overflowing, turn off the faucet.

    Immigration was weaponized in the 1960s with the intent of destroying America. I believe the protests by a 1/2 million Illegal Aliens in 2007 was supposed to bring about Amnesty and and our demise within a few years. I believe 0bama was given the honor of turning out the lights in America and he failed or maybe it was his payoff to Hillary for her concession in 2008. The Globalists are in a panic because they are behind schedule.

    I refuse to agree cooperate in the admission of millions more Illegal Aliens for the purpose of destroying America. The 750,000 DACAns just became 2.5 million DACAns. Millions more are being admitted under a different program. Ahead of them all are another 35 to 40 million more Illegal Aliens.
    The average number of close relatives a legalized Illegal Alien brings into the US is about 7.2 under chain migration. Do the Math.


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