Governors consistently ranked higher than President Trump or the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) when it comes to their handling of the Covid-19 pandemic during 2020. That’s according to a poll from Gallup.
In 2021, President Biden has received higher approval ratings than state governors or the CDC.
President Trump’s ratings on communicating a clear plan for the pandemic ranged from a low of 27% to a high of 35%.
The CDC’s rating has fluctuated from 25% to 37%, with its lowest rating recorded in late January.
President Biden has registered 42% to 49% ratings for his Covid plan since Gallup first included him in late October/early November 2020.
Governors enjoyed majority approval ratings in their handling of the pandemic until December 2020, when they dipped to 47%.
Democratic governors received higher ratings than their Republican counterparts.
Click on the link below to read the Gallup poll story:
Gallup poll: Leadership ratings during pandemic
Rigged polls or the stupidity of the people is beyond comprehension!
Agree! But, don’t believe it is stupidity of the people! Fake pole. Count on it!
24% of the people who have died from CoVid have died in the first 50 days of Biden’s presidency. He needs to go.
If Biden, governors, and CDC were consistently attacked in the media, their rating would be as low as, or even lower, than Trump’s. I think he did an excellent job—but then, I don’t bother with the subpar reporting of legacy media. Or even big tech.
My main news sources are Sharyl and The Epoch Times. And I’m happy with that.
These polls are useless. To give Biden that high of an approval and Trump that low, shows how powerful the media propaganda machines are. The vaccine would probably still be in the development stage if Trump had not pushed it as hard as he did. Biden was nowhere to be found. Governors shut down their states and destroyed a lot of jobs.
Since the Democrats have taken the helm, there has been no leadership.
Of course the new guy will get the credit. Did not matter who was in office last year they would most likely been voted out just because of Covid. President Trump laid the groundwork and President Biden will take the credit. No different that a football team going 99 yards with 5 ball carriers and the one guy that gets the TD gets all of the hero worship. When this first started we knew NOTHING, of course the reviews would be poor. Now we know more have a plan that started last year and is continuing with President Biden taking the credit. The people in power (and are still in power) had the opportunity last year to make changes if President Trump was making the wrong decisions, they did not. If they had a better plan, say something, do something that would have put American lives in safety. They didn’t.
What the politicians are doing now is complaining about someone else, offering no solutions, and blaming the last guy. Didn’t they notice last year when all of this started they had ample opportunities to step up to the plate and be a hero if their plan was better. It was not, and they did not.
What leaders, Sharyl?
POTUS, a corrupted corpse walking?
Senate, neutered?
House, woke?
SCOTUS, speak-see-Hear No Evil?
Without fair and clean elections, no democracy;
Without constitutional constraints, no representation;
Without the of, for, & by the people’s trust, no republic.
NOW we are something else; the American Experiment of self governance is over, it’s all just totalitarian power games now – go along to get along the only “reasonable” strategy to live by.
Who is to lead US back to our sacred scriptures of the D of I and the Constitution of US, and away from being burnt whole? Who has the courage for the necessary counter-coup against the 2020 coup d’etat profonde?
If we don’t see where where we actually are, we won’t be led to where we want to be.
Covid continues to be the best opportunity Democrats have ever had to exert their “agenda”. These people don’t lead, they are opportunist who only care about power.
I’d like to see who they actually polled to come up with this questionable data.
Agreed. Dont trust Gallup.
I was well satisfied with our Republican governor. I felt he struck a good balance between doing more and doing less.
The DCD should have stayed in the lab instead of trying to be media darlings.
I would like to rate the Governor here in California with a ‘D-” His handling of the past year has been appalling to say the least. Science be dammed! He thumbed his nose at CA citizens who were in lock down by his order then goes out to lavish inside dining meals. The recall is appropriate.
The first thing the Democratic Governor of Nevada did was ban the use of Hydroxychloroquine just because President Trump was singing its praises. (Very scientific) Next he closed the Churches but let the Casinos stay open so they held services in the Casinos! They filed and won a lawsuit against him. It’s hard to believe anything that’s being reported about Covid19. All I know is that I trusted President Trump a thousand times more than this new corrupted regime. And I really miss him!