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Prager University, or “Prager U,” is a nonprofit entity that produces online videos focusing on freedoms and free speech.
The organization was co-founded by screenwriter, producer, director, and author Allen Estrin; and talk show host and writer Dennis Prager in 2009.
The group claims nearly 5 billion views and climbing, changing the conversation about American ideas.
Prager U has been targeted by censorship or restrictions at the hands of Google, YouTube, Spotify, Facebook and Twitter.
Prager U has provided the following information:
Over the past 5 years, PragerU has faced censorship from all the major Big Tech platforms:
- YouTube has restricted hundreds of PragerU videos, including videos on the 10 Commandments. (Restricted Mode is a setting meant to block “mature” content for young audiences and is also used in public institutions such as libraries)
- YouTube has removed multiple PragerU videos entirely for “hate speech”
- PragerU has sued both Google and YouTube for restricting hundreds of videos. Our federal case was dismissed in the Ninth Circuit and our CA state case is currently on appeal.
- Facebook has threatened to unpublish PragerU’s page for multiple community guideline violations. Most of the violations stem from FB’s third party fact checking program, which has labeled several PragerU videos as “false information”. In addition, FB has limited our content distribution in the news feed so even people who have opted-in to view our content cannot see some posts.
- Twitter and Spotify have banned PragerU from advertising.
Learn more about Prager U here.