POLL: 99% support photo ID requirement to vote

Almost all of the nearly 3,000 people who responded to the latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com say they support requiring a photo ID to vote.

Ninety-nine percent (99%) of respondents said “Absolutely!” when asked if they support requiring a photo ID to vote.

Less than 1% said “No way!”.

Less than 1% said they were not sure.

Do you support requiring photo ID to vote?

99% Absolutely!

<1% No way!

<1% Not sure

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3 thoughts on “POLL: 99% support photo ID requirement to vote”

  1. HELL 99 % THAT MEANS THE WHOLE DNC WONTS THIS . THERE IS HOPE FOR THAT PARTY YET. BUT NOT MUCH .ANY ONE THAT DONT VOTER ID’s . wonts to cheet and still the election . jest like the dnc did in 20/20

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