POLL: Most say they will abandon current social media for Trump’s new site

Fifty-nine percent (59%) say they will leave their current social media sites and join Trump’s, when it’s launched. That’s according to the latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) say they will join Trump’s site, but stay with the others.

Four percent (4%) say they will not join Trump’s site.

When Trump’s social media starts what will you do with Twitter, Facebook, etc.?

59% Join Trump; leave the others

37% Join Trump; stay with others

4% Not join Trump

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16 thoughts on “POLL: Most say they will abandon current social media for Trump’s new site”

  1. I have my account set up or reserved.
    I will maintain my FB account for a few relatives and good friends who do not leave their sites. But my time will be limited to very few minutes. I am out of Twitter.

    1. Kevin, if you mean you have reserved a handle, that was a scam, not initiated by anyone connected to President Trump. For what reason? Who knows, perhaps to collect email addresses for spam. Perhaps to put you on a list. No idea but do a web search on this and you’ll discover this is a scam.

  2. I left horrendous FB 2 years ago. Will definitely leave Twitler. However will stay with Parler.
    Cannot wait for President Trump’s site! Godspeed to MY President Trump.

  3. Left the alphabet fascists months ago. I’m onboard with Trump’s sure, for sure. Miss a few of my fb friends, but real friends know how to stay in touch.

  4. I will keep Facebook open for a few family, but will not post anything. I have never used Twitter. I’m looking forward to President Trumps website.

  5. Wait a minute….donald trump Jr. and others who support Trump KEPT THEIR TWITTER AND FACEBOOK AFTER these freaks censored Trump, right? So why should we be listening to these sell out fakes and phonies to support anything?

  6. I’ll join Trump, I’ll remain on FB (dropped Twitter) until I can bring family over. I have no loyalty to Instagram. Gab, Parler, Frankspeech and Rumble are my primary choices.

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