Ninety-eight percent (98%) say the growing practice of dividing every issue and person into categories like race and gender is hurtful, overall. That’s according to the latest unscientific poll at
Less than 1% of the almost 2000 people who responded to the latest poll said defining people and issues into race and gender categories helps overall.
Do you think the growing practice of dividing every issue and person into categories such as race and gender helps or hurts, overall?
< 1 % Helps
98% Hurts
< 1% Half and half
<1% I don’t know
Great post; confirms my beliefs.
And yet, the left continues to do it…to their benefit and the to the detriment of the nation.
It’s more like we allow the left to continue doing it, much to the detriment of our nation, hoping that they’ll eventually come to their senses and stop…..but that’s not going to happen. So eventually we will have to come to our senses and stop allowing it to go on. Period.
Therein lies the secret to success for the Democrat party and the basis for Liberalism.
Low Income people v. High Income people.
The Young people v. The Elderly people
New Immigrants v. The Older Immigrants (Both are all admitted Legally)
Illegal Aliens v. Legal Aliens
Moslems v. Christians.
Hyphenated Americans (Afro-American or Hispanic American) v. White Americans.
Hyphenated Americans v. Other Hyphenated Americans
Divided by Sex: example: Female v. Male
Now there are other categories of gender. The last count that I remember is 85. They can be pitted against the traditional category of Male v. Female.
Intersectuality – Here the goal is to be able to Intersect or Connect as many in the Left column you can.
Example: A Young, Female, White person. is better off than a Young, one of the 85 genders, Minority person.
Example; Young, Female, Minority (except Asian*), Low Income American is better off than a Young, Low Income, Illegal Alien, Minority, who falls into one of the 85 genders.
I hope I have that right.
* Asians are considered better than Blacks and Hispanics, so they were not given Hate Crime Protection. Because so little was said about the attacks on Asians until recently leads me to believe the vast majority of the attacks were committed by Blacks or Hispanics. The media wants to make every crime committed by a white person, once it is known that the person is not white, the significance disappears.
There have been explosions inside Mosques and the media is considering it a hate crime when the 9/11 call is known. but the silence begins when the investigation reveals the blast was outward.
The media wanted to make Timothy McGee white Christian, militia member. He was White, his parents had him in church until they divorced when he was 12 and all religious participation ended. He drifted between being an Agnostic and Atheist. He had no connection to any militia. Nichols had been a member, the militia thought he was crazy and booted him. The Christian label did not appear until after 9/11.
This is all confusing and I may have mis-wrote. If there is a question, Please ask.
“Divide and conquer” and identity politics are part-and-parcel to leftism. Poor vs. Rich. Black vs. White. Women vs. Men. Done and done.
But when they keep carving and dividing, they start pitting one minority group against another, and that’s when all hell breaks loose.
BLM leads to Asian Hate (especially after the left deemed All Lives Matter or Asian Lives Matter racist and hateful), and the focus on transgender rights make women’s rights and things like Title IX a laughing stock.
Sadly, as long as mainstream media is a willing collaborator, low information voters will continue to be kept in the dark about the true cause of the calamity we are facing, Between that and systemic voter fraud (we are probably the only western democracy that doesn’t require proof of eligibility to vote), I’m not hopeful.
I agree. Date whoever you want. Gender doesn’t matter.