The following is an excerpt of a story at JustTheNews.com.
President Biden on Saturday called the historic border surge a “crisis” for the first time, even as he pushed ahead with plans to increase the caps for refugees admitted into the United States.
”We’re going to increase the number [of refugees],” he said at a news conference. “The problem was that the refugee part was working on the crisis that ended up on the border with young people. We couldn’t do two things at once. But now we are going to increase the number.”
His comments came one day after the Biden administration had to do a flip-flop, first announcing it was freezing refugee caps at the same 15,000 level that President Trump had created and then retreating a few hours later when liberal Democrats complained.
Read the entire story here:
Stolen elections have consequences.
Why is there NO reporting on the factual story of Biden adm offering Federal workers 4-mo PAID leave to take care illegal children entering the country. Where’s the folks who are in favor of bringing the children – they need to step up & give to care for those who are illegally here now
1. Biden called the border a crisis.
2. Biden said the situation regarding Russian interference in the 2020 election is National Emergency. Keep in mind, he has already said that the 2020 election was the most secure ever.
= I am not sure if the situations with the following have been designated to be a crisis:
3. Iran
4. North Kora,
5. Communist China
a. Aggressive actions toward the US.
b. Military threats aimed at Taiwan.
Democrat Axiom: “Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste”.
Any idea on what the Democrats have in mind. Aside from guns, anything else they wish to take away from us? The Constitution comes to mind?