– April 28, 2021 –
45th President Donald J. Trump will be interviewed today at 12pm ET on the “Dan Bongino Show” Podcast. It will be available on video here and on audio here.
Order “Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism” by Sharyl Attkisson today at Harper Collins, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, IndieBound, Bookshop!

Thank you for reporting truth!
So, Ms. A, how do we make you queen of journalism with total power over all media?
With the FBI now spying on Americans and the DOJ seizing electronic devices from Biden’s adversaries, where do you think we are as a country? Are we still a nation with equal rights for all or a nation that is turning for the worse in regards to our the protection of our civil rights?
Not a reply, but a comment on the poll. I don’t know how to answer it because if by racism you mean white racism against blacks or other ethnic groups, there has been no detectable change in what was already a low racist culture. But if you mean racism in general, by certain blacks against whites and by a relatively small number of whites against other whites in general, then there has been a huge escalation.