Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently signed an executive order banning “vaccine passports”.
The executive order bars state agencies and places that receive public funds from requiring proof of vaccination against Covid-19 as a condition of receiving goods or services.
[A]s I have said all along, these vaccines are always voluntary and never forced. Government should not require any Texan to show proof of vaccination and reveal private health information just to go about their daily lives.
Gov. Greg Abbott
The Texas order follows a similar order entered by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. DeSantis cited privacy concerns as a reason for banning vaccine passports.

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Research was occurring in Israel along the same venue it’s alarming.
Watch the YouTube video “Outcry from Israel “ about this topic.
Every single lawmaker who swore an oath to the US Constitution should oppose this. This should not be political.
America seems to have forgotten their requirement for vaccination certificates (read passports) for incoming travellers in the 70’s and earlier. I still have mine.
This is a rather silly dispute.
How many experimental vaccines did you have on your old certificate? ?