Alleged anti-Israel bias in the media

The following is an excerpt from The Investigative Project on Terrorism

by Phyllis Chesler

The world media has launched so many anti-Israel propaganda “rockets” that it feels like they far outnumber the real ones that Hamas has launched against civilian Israel.

From May 10-19, the New York Times alone printed enough words (76,586) about Hamas’s attack on Israel to constitute a novel. Even when it reports a true fact, which it does, its impact is dulled or even lost by the overriding narrative context in which Israel is at fault and Hamas is either innocent or heroically resisting “settler” oppression and Nazi-like persecution.

This word count does not include the many photographs of weeping Palestinian mothers, wounded and bloody Palestinian fathers, bombed Gazan buildings, allegedly dead Palestinian children, etc. Each print edition has at least six to eight such photographs. Perhaps there’s one small photo in each issue which shows us minor damage to an Israeli house and an unclear example of Israelis in a stairwell – but the Israeli photos always appear second or last and are always smaller.

From a psychological point of view, first impressions and size are what count.

The headlines in the print editions are also misleading. Take Sunday’s headline: “4 Weeks on Path to War: From Raid on a Mosque to Middle East Carnage.” However, Israeli forces or civilians did not torch any mosque. In fact, Arab mobs created a riot on the Temple Mount, burned a synagogue down to the ground in Lod, and lynch-murdered an Israeli man, also in Lod. (Continued…)

Read the rest of the article at the link below:

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2 thoughts on “Alleged anti-Israel bias in the media”

  1. Sharyl, Thanks for the article.

    I see this as the same course the the NYT has followed going back to at least WWII when the NYT minimized the genocide of the Jews. Yes, I am aware that the owner was the owner considered himself to be a Jew, The rest of the dynasty continued along the same path.
    I have long considered them as being Anti-American in their reporting.
    Mark Zuckerberg is heavily invested in the NYT.

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