POLL: 54% say they’ve moved away from big cities in past 5 years

A majority of people who answered our latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com said they have moved from a big city to a less populated area in the past five years.

Forty-one percent (41%) of the over 1,000 people who responded said they left a big city for a less populated area due to livability issues like crime, drugs, taxes, cost.

Another 13% said they left a big city for a smaller area for other reasons.

Forty-six percent (46%) said they have not moved from a big city to a less populated area in the past five years.

Have you moved from big city to less populated area in the past 5 years?

41% Yes, due to livability issues like crime, drugs, taxes, cost

13% Yes, for other reasons

46% No

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3 thoughts on “POLL: 54% say they’ve moved away from big cities in past 5 years”

  1. In the last several weeks, I have seen a number of articles / polls about this : movement from urban to suburbs / rural. I see this poll includes crime as one of several variables. Many do not and gloss over the predominant reason minorities are moving is after the season of marxist black lives matter / antifa destroying urban centers.

    These new residents should have to attend a “class” (the left loves to indoctrinate) where they go through the funding / goals of these groups and specifically who they support.

  2. I know personally 14 families who fled nyc to go to florida, for medical freedom. I know 50 more through friends. We are overwhelmed by crooks and pharma shills here and while we are fighting, many families have lost schooling, jobs and their homes. Now the Empire pass is the final straw for many. Our politicians have gone off the deep end. People have taken their red votes with them, which were meaningless in this area, and will fortify and strengthen other places that still believe in freedom. Having been here through 9/11 when people were amazing and stood together, this is in stark contrast. I attribute that to the quality of leadership we had back then.

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