POLL: Worry about catching Covid-19 hits new low

Worry about catching Covid-19 and the number of people practicing strict social distancing hit new lows, according to a recent Gallup poll.

Three in ten Americans currently say they are worried about catching Covid-19. Just 5% of those say they are “very worried.” This marks the lowest measurement for the question since Gallup began asking it in early 2020.

Americans who are partially vaccinated or plan to be vaccinated are more worried than those with no plans to get vaccinated against Covid-19, according to Gallup.

Of the partially vaccinated, 33% say they’re worried. Of those who plan to get vaccinated, 44%, say they’re worried.

Among those with no plans to get vaccinated, only 13% said they are concerned about contracting Covid-19.

While worry has fallen among all political groups, Democrats’ level of concern about Covid-19 has dropped more than Republicans’ and Independents’, with Republicans and Independents worrying less overall.

Thirty percent (30%) of Americans still report they are observing strict social distancing, down from 75% in April of 2020.

Click on the link below to read the Gallup poll story:

Gallup poll story

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3 thoughts on “POLL: Worry about catching Covid-19 hits new low”

  1. ‘&’d though the Crowed Laughed Furiously…
    they did not get the joke.

    Don’t worry, it happens some of the time………

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