(READ) Donald Trump statement on alleged voting machine issues revealed in New Hampshire 2020 election audit

– May 24, 2021 – 
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
New Hampshire’s Election Audit has revealed that large-scale voting machines appear to count NON-EXISTING VOTES. State and local communities are seeking confirmation. It’s probably true, but we’ll soon know. Why aren’t Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Republicans doing anything about what went on in the 2020 Election? How can the Democrats be allowed to get away with this? It will go down as the Crime of the Century! Other States like Arizona, Georgia (where a Judge just granted a motion to unseal and inspect ballots from the 2020 Election), Michigan, Pennsylvania, and more to follow.

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11 thoughts on “(READ) Donald Trump statement on alleged voting machine issues revealed in New Hampshire 2020 election audit”

  1. As an journalist, why is it that both sides treat this voting fraud issue as poison? We think because when in fact Donald Trump does walk into the Whitehouse, he will prove how both sides are equally corrupt.
    I’m sure we can find Republicans with Chinese Yuan falling out of their pockets and sprouting from their gardens and ears just as much as crooked Democrats. Get Biden out now, where’s the GOP ballsy impeachment of Joe Biden? There won’t be one, they only try to fake their concern for Americans.
    Look at what those Condemocrats put Trump thru. . . . .GOP are faggots!!!!!

  2. The evidence is overwhelming the election was stolen, but I’ve said to optimists who think things can be turned around, “Don’t you know the idiom, `Possession is nine-tenths of the law’?” And who now possesses the White House? But I certainly hope the optimists are right.

  3. Chill Trump – things are working slowly but surely, and some of the election errors could work both ways – like ballot folds. Just as many GOP votes could be altered as Dem votes on some of these “glitches”.

    Not time for pre-judgement as to cause or solutions. Except for the growing numbers who now know something has happened, and it is not right, and should never happen again.

    And Biden-Harris can be counted to do the right thing and resign, if this is the final nature of the findings.

    1. Counted on to resign….

      Dems per the Alinsky manual want power by any means possible…….this includes fraudulent elections!

      Guess the reason the mail was so slow around the election was that the post office was taking the time to arrange sealed overseas ballots into numerical order and making sure 100% of them were for sleepy Joe!

    2. No Democrat alters the functionality of the machines, and also cheats to give GOP votes. Glitches?????? Are you kidding??? That implies one side didn’t do this purposely

  4. they are not making mistakes . there being bought and owned . and once bought always owned and never trusted

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