The FBI has released documents pertaining to the 2016 unsolved murder of Seth Rich, a Democrat National Committee (DNC) worker.
The records appear to suggest that someone could have paid for his death.
There was much speculation after Rich’s murder that he — rather than “Russia” — was the person who had leaked sensitive, internal DNC emails to WikiLeaks.
Among other things, the documents included emails exposing numerous scandals related to Hillary Clinton. They also showed that the DNC was taking steps that favored Clinton over her challenger, Bernie Sanders.
Excerpts of the recently released FBI documents appear below:
Click the link below to read the recently released FBI documents (courtesy of Epoch Times):
Thank you for call out the media machine for ignoring stories that don’t fit a preferred narrative or a favored group. And for the courage to tell the stories that others want to hidden.
More people should be talking about this man’s murder. He is dead for a reason and that is something we should all be questioning.
We need to call out why the FBI itself kept their Seth Rich files denied and now unavailable for so long? Why did the FBI get involved in the first place, and not leave this to the DC police.