REPORT: Chain of custody proof not produced for Fulton County, GA absentee ballots

Almost six months after the 2020 Presidential election, Fulton County, Georgia officials have failed to fulfill a public records request for chain of custody documents for absentee mail in ballots dropped in drop boxes. That’s according to Georgia Star News.

The Georgia State Election Board adopted an Emergency Election Code Rule in July 2020 that permitted absentee mail in ballots to be dropped in drop boxes set up across the state, says Georgia Star News.

The emergency rule was reportedly not codified by the state legislature, as is required by the Georgia State Constitution.

Approximately 67,000 absentee ballots by mail from drop boxes were reportedly cast in Fulton County alone.

The emergency voting rule required each county to use “ballot transfer forms” to document the transfer of each batch of absentee ballots picked up at drop boxes and delivered to county election offices.

To date, Fulton County has reportedly provided ballot transfer form records for 36,635 of the ballots to Georgia Star News.

That is just over half of the number expected.

Fulton County officials have reportedly missed two April deadlines to provide additional information or documents for absentee mail in ballots to Georgia Star News.

State officials certified Joe Biden as the winner of Georgia by 11,599 votes over Donald Trump.

Click here to read more in Georgia Star News

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5 thoughts on “REPORT: Chain of custody proof not produced for Fulton County, GA absentee ballots”

  1. This is exactly the difficulty in Fulton…there is an agreement between Raffensperger and Dems NOT TO INVESTIGATE THIS..SHARYL, State Farm Arena is less than 4000ft from Capital Bldg housing SEC OF STATE AND GOV offices..push hard on this someone…THIS is where the steal is..the rest are distractions

  2. Not surprised, but I did expect this outcome.
    I will add that numerous other counties would be unable to meet the standards or procedures according to law of other states.

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