A fact-based investigation by Sharyl Attkisson into what we know, and can prove, about the origins of Covid-19.
- Numerous scientific insiders are signing onto the “lab origin” theory for Covid-19 and a link to controversial research funded by your tax dollars.
- High profile health figures who have worked to “debunk” lab origin questions are linked to funding and vaccine research partnerships with China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).
- The U.S.- Chinese research involved genetically engineering bat coronavirus to make it infect human airway cells in mice, in order to invent vaccines and other therapeutics.
- U.S. taxpayer money supported the controversial vaccine research with Chinese scientists through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Some support came from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Wow! Amazing research Sheryl. You are my hero! Please do a research story on the NIH failure to fund research on repurposed drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid 19. All the research I have seen shows these drugs to be highly effective, and that is they were recognized as being effective treatments for Covid 19 emergency authorizations for the mRNA vaccines would not be allowed.
Agree…. it is criminal these 2 drugs were not publicized and made widely available for early treatment! I have seen estimates from reputable researchers and doctors of 50% of lives saved had these been prescribed. Also curious about the CDC’s revised death calculation in March, 2020, resulting in FAR more deaths from COVID than would have been calculated otherwise (number quoted was 92% greater than using previous calculation.)
Today I read this, interacting well with Sheryl’s covid podcast: https://nicholaswade.medium.com/origin-of-covid-following-the-clues-6f03564c038
At 27:13 she says “I hope this the kind of deep dive you appreciate”. Heck yeah. Tipped a few bucks. Come on bros, you know that hour was worth a buck. PayPal her one lousy dollar while it’s still worth something.
One party benefits from this virus. They can control an election, control the economy, lock American citizens in their home, control your income and make you take an injection that could ha e anything in it and get you dependent on government. Think about it. Who benefits the most, politically, from virus.
Kansas City Steaks – advertiser with this podcast – has a separate set of mask rules for the vaccinated. UGH!
Thanks very much for your great research for this podcast. Your calling out regarding the many potential conflicts of interest from these “scientists” was particularly enlightening. You’re helping to expose Dr. Fauci and Dr. Embarek’s funding sources–bravo.
I don’t often write complimentary reviews–but I am for this podcast. Should be listened to by everyone in America.