– May 22, 2021 –
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
The lackluster Attorney General of Arizona, Mark Brnovich, has to get on the ball and catch up with the great Republican Patriots in the Arizona State Senate. As massive crime in the 2020 Election is becoming more and more evident and obvious, Brnovich is nowhere to be found. He is always on television promoting himself, but never mentions the Crime of the Century, that took place during the 2020 Presidential Election, which was Rigged and Stolen. Arizona was a big part and Brnovich must put himself in gear, or no Arizona Republican will vote for him in the upcoming elections. They will never forget, and neither will the great Patriots of our Nation!
I am writing a book on my journey with parasites and would like to be on your show.
Please let me know if you can.
Karrie Sicely
Liz Harris founded ItSmellsFunny.com, a place where people can register to join our fight for election integrity. Liz has thousands signed up who are helping to canvass Arizona looking for election irregularities.
Please consider contacting Liz for an interview. Help us expose the many systems of fr*ud we are finding. Liz is under attack, she and others in the group have had their YouTube channels shut down.
Most of us working on Election Integrity with Liz have been at this way before the 2020 election. I personally got involved with True the Vote over 10 years ago. Catherine Englebrect was also attacked and silenced for many years while fighting the feds in court, like you did, yet she continues to fight in the courts and remains a target of CNN smear campaigns to this day.
I personally have experienced 3 different issues within my family of 5 voters over the years that were notable. Every time I go out knocking on doors I find phantom voters – names registered at that address that the current residents say do not live there, but some are actually voting! All should be removed from the rolls but Maricopa county says they won’t remove any registration without a court order. The county Facebook page is pure propaganda with unfounded claims of election integrity. They claim to have processes that keep the rolls clean, Yet we find some of these statements to be either misleading or false, according to our findings.
We know nearly 2.1 million ballots were cast in Maricopa county. We don’t know how many ballots were printed. We don’t know how many were mailed out. We don’t know how many were returned, but from our interviews with voters at their homes a LOT were returned. We don’t know how many were unaccounted for, but on Facebook when I posed the question, their response was that all ballots are accounted for. We also know some of those returned ballots are voting. Should not be possible but there appears to be evidence. We have affidavits and statements swearing under penalty of purjury that this is happening. Isn’t voting illegally a felony? If so, where is the FBI?
Please help us expose what is going on.
Arizona will shape the audit procedures of other states after the results are published