Anti-smoking drug Chantix: supended

The anti-smoking drug Chantix has been suspended from distribution in the U.S., and some batches recalled, after heightened levels of a cancer causing chemical were reportedly detected.

The chemical is N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). Chantix’s maker, Pfizer, has said the potential risks from excessive levels of NDMA are outweighed by the benefits of Chantix, but the company is recalling some of the batches that could have excessive levels of NDMA while further testing is conducted. The FDA has not recalled Chantix but Canadian health officials have recalled their version of the pill.

Chantix has been on the market for 15 years and it has reportedly been prescribed to 13 million smokers.

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3 thoughts on “Anti-smoking drug Chantix: supended”

  1. I used this product successfully and haven’t smoked since May 5th, 2007. My wife is still struggling with the habit and has taken it off and on since 2007. She has now seen the article and will hopefully end this roller coaster and be healthy.

  2. I just recently got a call from one of my Dr’s and she said that I have 2 mass 0ne in
    the left lung and right lung in the lower section of the lobe. I never had this before,
    I had numerous MRI and CT SCANS and my drs. never said anything about the mass
    until now. could that be cause by the CHANTIX medication. Please reply ASAP
    thank you.

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