Arizona Governor says “no” to election fraud bill and 21 other bills

Photo by: Trey Gibson

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, a Republican, has vetoed numerous bills backed by Republicans.

They include bills attacking election fraud bill and racist “Critical Race Theory.”

On Twitter, Ducey stated that “some” of the 22 bills he vetoed on May 28 are “good policy” but that the legislature needs to “focus first on passing a budget. That should be priority one. The other stuff can wait.”

One of the vetoed measures, House Bill 2792, would have made it a crime for an election official to sent election ballots to people who didn’t request them.

Kelli Ward who heads Arizona’s Republican Party tweeted a response:

“Twenty-two bills that the legislative branch worked all session on. Bills that went through the process & passed & went to the executive’s desk. This tyrannical approach is dangerous to what #WeThePeople in AZ support #ElectionIntegrity #StopCRT.”

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6 thoughts on “Arizona Governor says “no” to election fraud bill and 21 other bills”

  1. Bob Chamberlain

    If we don’t have “Honest and Fair” elections we don’t have America period! We become a Communist Nation, where the elite rule by decree and Executive orders!

  2. som even though the bills are already finished waiting for a signature einstein doug says “Ducey stated that “some” of the 22 bills he vetoed on May 28 are “good policy” but that the legislature needs to “focus first on passing a budget. That should be priority one. The other stuff can wait.” ” so all the work already done on the bills is wasted so he can look good to his china friends??? I cannot stand that man!!!!

  3. I watched his interview with Hannity. Thought he looked uncomfortable with conservative Governor’s answering straight forward questions. Arizona republicans beware, he only has to convince voters at election time

  4. Gov. Ducey, you are an embarrassment to the great State of Arizona. You are clearly on the Soros payroll, in line with the Commies and their ilk. You put on that you were this great “conservative” governor but like most of the Marxists, it is all a play act. We see through you. We saw what you did in November, you went against the people of Arizona then, you are doing it now, and we are sure you will continue. The fact you were on Fox with Hannity means absolutely nothing to us. You didn’t even reach the heights of the other governor’s knee caps as they towered over you with their policies.
    You were the first to shut down gyms, schools and small businesses, while yours and your wife’s stayed open. Yes, you lived the double standard life style that Cuomo, Newsome, Whitmer and others did while many in our state suffered. You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, yet tout yourself a republican. You stand with the left but speak as if you are on the conservative side, you bear yourself out to be the person we all know you are; In it for yourself, corrupt, a liar and a cheat. You, the Attorney General, the Secretary of State are all in on the drive to turn this state from red to blue and it shows, glaringly, The truth always finds a way into the light. We will be sure to not check any box your name appears on any future ballot, for any position, even if it is for lead garbage collector. Sorry Refuse collectors, I didn’t mean to offend you!!!
    You had a perfect opportunity to course correct, to push back against the tyrannical administration’s policies and grab your b…lls and fight. You are no fighter. You stand by and watch this nation, our state crumble and decay. If you are not part of the solution, like so many hard working Representatives that pushed for the legislation before you, then you are part of the problem; the cancer that is spreading all over the country. You need to be removed.

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