CDC: As interest in Covid-19 vaccine wanes, fewer than half of Americans are fully vaccinated

Forty-six percent (46%) of people in America are fully vaccinated against Covid-19. That’s according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). However, no age group under age 40 has a rate as high as 46%.

As far as adults only, CDC reports that as of May 30, about one-half of adults were fully vaccinated.

CDC says that 34% of adults aged 18–39 years reported “having received a COVID-19 vaccine” in a survey, apparently including those who have not received both of the double-dose shots. However, on this chart, CDC says there is a higher vaccine coverage in that age group. It say that 37.5% of 18-24 year olds are fully vaccinated; as are 43.6% of 25-39 year olds.

Fully vaccinated by age:

  • 0.2% Under age 12
  • 17.8% 12-15
  • 31.9% 16-17
  • 37.5% 18-24
  • 43.6% 25-39
  • 52.7% 40-49
  • 62.9% 50-64
  • 78.7% 65-74
  • 75.2% 75+

In cases where race is known, here’s the breakdown of fully vaccinated:

  • 37.3% American Indian/Alaska Native
  • 32.8% Asian
  • 31% White
  • 25.3% Hispanic
  • 29.4% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
  • 21.6% Black

CDC says enthusiasm for Covid-19 vaccines appears to have peaked and is now waning. The agency is now focusing a great deal of attention and effort on messaging, marketing, and increasing demand for Covid-19 vaccine. CDC says “improving vaccination coverage, especially among younger people, is critical to reducing Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.”

CDC’s strategy assumes the default position that there’s a benefit for “everybody” to get vaccinated, regardless of age group or relative risk. That includes young people who have a statistical near-“zero” chance of serious complications from a Covid-19.

Some scientists are critical of CDC’s approach saying its vaccine marketing strategy fails to factor in the fact that natural infection is assumed to confer long term, if not lifelong, immunity; whereas vaccine immunity is expected to wear off and require perpetual boosters. In other words, some scientists believe people at low risk of Covid-19 complications, which is most everyone, would be better off fighting Covid-19 naturally and getting long term immunity than getting an experimental vaccine that may confer short term immunity.

Other scientists differ, and insist that the key to ending the pandemic is getting as many people vaccinated as possible.

Read more from CDC here.

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8 thoughts on “CDC: As interest in Covid-19 vaccine wanes, fewer than half of Americans are fully vaccinated”

  1. We went from Genetically Modified (GM) plants to GM People in a generation.
    The same people who push non-GMO in food are pushing GMO in people. They’ll buy Organic (sic) Bananas from Wholefoods because “GM Bad” but have been genetically modified themselves in a global experiment because “GM Good”.
    These people are now re-engineered (like human bats) to carry and live with a transmissible man-made virus, with their natural immune system bypassed and in need of regular updates, like Windows 95. It’s like Jonestown on a massive scale.
    99.7% survivability – people have lost the ability to make rational decisions based on evaluated risks.
    Meanwhile, Big Pharma makes a payday, people are dying and being disabled by the jabs and the real solutions are out of patent: HCQ, Ivermentin, zinc, VitD, fresh air, sunshine, business as usual and natural immunity.
    Fascinating racial mix of injectees, btw. Is the plan to wipe out the Indian Tribes?

  2. In five years, or maybe 10, we’ll see the real effects of this gene editing therapy. I predict massive infertility, since that has always been the goal of the Gates Foundation.

  3. Somebody found a way to sort out the gullible from the independent thinkers. What they found in America is shameful.

  4. As of early June, the VAERS data shows nearly 5000 Americans had died from the mRNA arm jabs, which is genetic experimentation, not a true “vaccine”. Swine Flu vaccines were ended after only 60 people perished from them. Long term side effects may be worse, spike proteins escaping into the blood, so plenty of blood clots, heart seizures, etc.
    But hey, this is the NWO, the Great Reset, the New Normal, where you low-life peasant scum don’t matter. And you can bet all the top dogs in our heirarchies got a shot of saline, not the real poison. At least half of the staff at CDC have refused the arm-jab. I doubt if their kids are being experimented on either. Wake up you stupid ignorant doctor-worshiping arses!

  5. Hi Sharyl A,
    Tangential to “selling” vaccines:
    I thought you might want to know about another brave journalist, April Moss. She spoke to Project Veritas about her shock that her network (CBS) would manufacture news. During a live weather report, she told her viewers that the station wasn’t giving them the facts, and she sat down to talk to James O’Keefe to give him the full details of the pressure being put on employees, and the network’s determination to promote the vaccine. She felt it was against everything she learned in journalism school.

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