Largest U.S. health care union fights mandatory Covid-19 vaccine

The president of the largest health care union in the. U.S. says the union plans to fight mandated Covid-19 vaccines for employees. That’s according to Epoch Times.

The New York-based 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East represents 400-thousand nurses and caregivers across several states, including New Jersey, Florida, Washington, Maryland, and Massachusetts.

George Gresham, president of the union reportedly says hospital systems don’t have the right to mandate vaccines for employees.

Whether there is a legal challenge that we can make, or whether it’s just a pure organizational challenge that we can make, we are not going to just give in. [Employees] have the right to make their decision about their own health.

George Gresham, President of 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East

The union announcement comes on the heels of several large hospitals mandating the Covid-19 vaccine for its employees.

In one case, Texas hospital workers filed a lawsuit against their Houston employer to fight a vaccine mandate. The District Judge sided with the hospital. Over 150 hospital workers were let go as a result of the hospital’s vaccine ultimatum, including many who had already had Covid-19 and, according to studies, would receive no benefit from Covid-19 vaccination. The case in currently on appeal.

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27 thoughts on “Largest U.S. health care union fights mandatory Covid-19 vaccine”

  1. Thomas Theodore boisvert

    Let’s see, Hospital Employees can Make a personal decision, but Kids cannot. We live in the Twilight Zone currently. There is no other word for it.

    1. I think it’s actually the opposite. Kids are given way too many decisions above their maturity level they can exercise without their parents’ consent

      1. Kids and some adults (different IQ’s) have frontal lobe development that is not there yet at a certain age and so they are at risk of making choices that are not helpful for them.

    2. Hospital workers aren’t being given a choice_just the apposite, I put in for a medical exemption due to allergies, signed by my primary care doctor, and now they tell me an allergist has to sign it, even though they NEVER asked for a specialist to sign it in the first place! Oh, and these are the same people who last year wouldn’t give us masks to use in our office, or allow us to put up plexiglass barriers for protection!

      1. Im on the same boat, the allergist told me I can come to her office, give me antihistamine before the jab and she has to see it (in her face) that I’m having anaphylactic reaction! I told her straight, “Even if you put a shotgun on my head, I am not going to take the covid vaccine. I still want to live even if I become homeless.

    3. Uhh hospital employees are ADULTS fully functional to make adult and rational decisions for themselves and children CANNOT and do not have that ability and lack the maturity to make such life altering decisions that you can’t go back on.

    4. Does any person really believe they are going to stop with just two so called vaccines ? No way. After the covid scam, they will come up with other diseases to continue to get rich even if it means taking ones life. And the US Supreme court is involved 100 %
      Our hospital in florida have now collapsed over the covid vaccine injuries !

    5. Kids get no benefit from the vaccine, just unknown risks. But the adults worry that they could still spread it. So they want them forced. to submit, no matter what their parents think, so that they can be used as human shields. My friends in San Diego County are up against this now.

  2. That’s a step in the right direction! I hope he doesn’t lose his position over such a correct decision!

  3. Does the new OSHA guidelines for hospitals, nursing homes and assited-living homes mandating vaccines, masking and social distancing (with few exemptions allowed) give the authority for employers to require these without any liability? Can these employers now use “OSHA complience” as a valid reason to require employees to comply?

    1. OSHA stopped requiring employers to report any illness/injury that is directly related to the vaccine until May 2022 when it will reassess the situation

  4. This is asinine. Requiring a vaccine that is experimental and has no long term safety data. This is a 99.8% survivable illness for majority of the population. If this doesn’t have alterior motive written all over it I don’t know what else would. The government is so eager to get this into to peoples arms.

    By the way, when was the last time the government was so concerned about the population???? Except taxes of course! This move will cause a failure and collapse of the healthcare system.

    Those that have had adverse effects from this vaccine are not being heard or believed by the government, healthcare, proponents of the vaccine and certainly not the manufacturers or the CDC. By the way at least 5000 people have died from the vaccine but that’s not news is it. See the CDC’s vaccine adverse effects reporting system for the numbers (VAERS).

    1. You are absolutely spot on! People think SARS-CoV-2 is the same as Covid-19. On the fact sheets of these various manufactures of the shot(s), they say you are being offered this vaccine to prevent Covid-19. So people think they are immune if they get the shot.
      Here is what they need to understand. SARS CoV 2 is the infection of the virus. Covid 19 are the symptoms of the virus. So they are saying, we are offering this vaccine to prevent the symptoms. Then below that, they say it may not prevent symptoms (Covid 19) and further down it says that is may not protect everyone! Well, if that’s the case, how would you know? You wouldn’t! Oh wait! I guess you would because those who are so proud they got the shot are now getting sick! This shot was never designed to stop an illness or protect anyone around you. They attack us who refuse this experimental shot saying we are the problem when in fact its them who are the ones who are infecting others because they think they are protected and they are not! Now they are making a big deal about the variant. I’m in my mid 60’s and all my life I’ve dealt with Flu season and the variants that follow, no big deal. You get sick and recover and go on with life. This is no different. The only difference is that this virus was engineered with the extremely dangerous Spike Proteins. Here is the link to VAERS
      Also, this explains where we are today. Very important that everyone watch this!

  5. Jack Funderburk

    Thanks Hason for your comments. This is definitely another ploy to take our freedom away. We need to stand up and cry out over this nonsense. We need a rally calling this out for what it is.

  6. You are absolutely spot on! People think SARS-CoV-2 is the same as Covid-19. On the fact sheets of these various manufactures of the shot(s), they say you are being offered this vaccine to prevent Covid-19. So people think they are immune if they get the shot.
    Here is what they need to understand. SARS CoV 2 is the infection of the virus. Covid 19 are the symptoms of the virus. So they are saying, we are offering this vaccine to prevent the symptoms. Then below that, they say it may not prevent symptoms (Covid 19) and further down it says that is may not protect everyone! Well, if that’s the case, how would you know? You wouldn’t! Oh wait! I guess you would because those who are so proud they got the shot are now getting sick! This shot was never designed to stop an illness or protect anyone around you. They attack us who refuse this experimental shot saying we are the problem when in fact its them who are the ones who are infecting others because they think they are protected and they are not! Now they are making a big deal about the variant. I’m in my mid 60’s and all my life I’ve dealt with Flu season and the variants that follow, no big deal. You get sick and recover and go on with life. This is no different. The only difference is that this virus was engineered with the extremely dangerous Spike Proteins. Here is the link to VAERS
    Also, this explains where we are today. Very important that everyone watch this!

    1. The vaccine database also states that 12,366 people in this country have died within days of getting this vaccine….and that is only the ones that get reported. Over 500 people a week are dying from the vaccine , yet not a peep from our news media.

  7. As a registered nurse of 30 years, from nursing assistant to Director of Nursing. I never got a flu shot and never had the flu. Just lucky I guess. But I am now being terminated, for not taking an experimental vaccine for a disease that is 99.7% survivable without it. Yes, I worked through the Covid outbreak, at 65yrs. old, with the elderly in a nursing home and never got sick and never tested positive. Think about it folks…how does any of this make sense to any rational thinker. Most vaccines are stopped after 50 deaths, well, we are over 12,000 with this one so far. Don’t believe it, check the website for vaccine safety in this country.

  8. Wow, thank you all., felt dehydrated on the truth. Truth is, why would a gov’t give lottery money to take a vaccine? Healthcare is expensive, & out of control. The gov’t keeping us so busy with hype, we cannot see what’s really going on. Population control?, ETC……………

  9. People need to organize WALK OUT DAYS, From Microsoft, to Oracle, to GM to CVS from all the companies Mandating. WALK OUT DAY USA

  10. People who are vaccinated with the COVID vaccine are still getting and spreading COVID, therefore they are a threat to public safety in the same manner they think those who aren’t vaccinated are a threat. Additionally, nobody can predict who will have a bad reaction or a death from a covid vaccine, thus it’s impossible to predict, so it shouldn’t be mandated. It should be encouraged. But not mandated and nobody should be fired from a job if they don’t take it since there are reasonable least alternatives to taking the vaccine, specifically, wearing a mask and washing hands. Problem solved. END VACCINE MANDATES NOW. You aren’t going to snatch anyone out of God’s hands by trying to prep them to take the mark of the beast in the future (covid vaccine is not the mark…but it’s a test run…)

  11. I do not want to get the vaccine. I am being forced by my company to get the vaccine or lose my job. I just built a house and I need to pay the bills so I do not have a choice. I have held off until the last minute hoping this mandate would fall apart. I work for a large Health Insurance Company. I have worked from home since I have started my job with them and I have never been in any facilities. I guess at some point I could be called to go to a Health Care Facility so that is their position on why I need the vaccine.
    I have reached out and spoke to an attorney but I am being told I don’t have a case not to get the vaccine. They have denied my religious exception and are not offering weekly testing. I feel violated by being forced to do this.

  12. Both a friend and I have had 4 covid related shots and the flu shot in the last 18 months. We are both doing fine with the mildest of side effects. Friend had a sore arm from one shot. She’s 92, Im 65.
    While I think they should now stop making it mandatory, as info is collected on who is more likely to be infected, If you don’t get the vaccine, you should have the right to die if that is your choice. There is a lot of statistics out there- both for and against the vaccine- which are taken out of context. Not my job to put it in perspective and apparently neither is it Attkisson.’s.
    Even Influenza vaccines require some fine tuning as virus changes.

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