– June 12, 2021 – |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America |
Have you noticed that they are now admitting I was right about everything they lied about before the election? |
- Hydroxychloroquine works
- The Virus came from a Chinese lab
- Hunter Biden’s laptop was real
- Lafayette Square was not cleared for a photo op
- The “Russian Bounties” story was fake
- We did produce vaccines before the end of 2020, in record time
- Blue state lockdowns didn’t work
- Schools should be opened
- Critical Race Theory is a disaster for our schools and our Country
- Our Southern Border security program was unprecedentedly successful
Trump forgot to mention the Abraham Accords. He bought peace to the middle east.
the Accord is one of the great achievements of the 21st century. biden will do his best to wreck it.
Biden won’t even try to wreck the accords. He will just trip over something and crush them.
I would say the Abraham Accords brought the birth of a new peace, which was then aborted by the party of antisemitism, the Democrat.
One of his greatest accomplishments. Hope the dim, hate filled, anti Jewish Dems don’t cancel it.
True, but his statement was about the Dems and their media’s lies.
He should have waited on the vax’s however as they are turning out to be deadly and full of really bad things for humans! There is plenty to backup my statement that is true also so .research everything!
Ms. Attkisson, thank you for your excellent journalism and continued effort in these difficult times to report events.
You are one of very few journalists I still trust.
President Trump- we were both right; you were completely right as pointed out in your statement and I was right because I voted for you. …and I will do it again, when the time comes!
Grover Cleveland 2024!
No one cleaned the swamp! McConnell and Schumer are still there
Attkisson for VP candidate along with Trump.
Love your reporting. I became one of your fans after your work, in the face of severe opposition, on Benghazi. Pls keep it up.
It takes great courage today to stand for who you are, especially if your are decent, are an honest journalist., a patriot and a women…great job all around! Do not let the swamp try to sink you in quick sand…stand tall for the truth- no matter what! There are plenty of us out here that are so sick and tired of the rubbish some are pushing and are outraged at what is pushed as government right now! We will NOT settle for Marxism, so the Democrats better wake up and get back to the Constitution!
Intro at top could also read….
“My peers have decided to abandon their posts. Hold my purse”.
Thank You for being an adult Sharyl Attkisson.
Thanks for being a true journalist instead of a propagandist!
He could have added one more: You will never see this statement in any of the mainstream media.
every media outlet should provide a D or R next to the byline
this is how most press has functioned — as party organs — since the beginning of the era of free press and multi-party democracy
pretense of objectivity is objectively harmful
free societies need debate
consensus is for one-party states
They claim “systemic racism” they give us “systemic irrationality”.
Even if you were to discount the voting irregularities, these lies & propaganda have obviously had a major impact on the election results, not to mention the torched cities.
When will the “snowflakes” WAKE UP?? How long can they continue to bury their head in the sand? Will it take a revolution? I hope and pray NOT!!
They think they are out of the woods, they think the American electorate is not smart enough to figure out they ( msm ) have lied for 4 years. Did they forget we have audio and video recordings.
One of the few real journalists working today, AND President Trump (who I did not support in the primaries, but voted for twice) has been the best president in my lifetime..
Great work, Sharyl.
I have to say I was kind of sad to watch the Full Measure recap last week. Looking forward to new stories in the fall.
Thanks for all your great work!
I have come to the conclusion that all the complaints about Trump come down to: :Does not play well with others”, As far as to what he really did and his policies, he was quite successful.
Cognitive dissonance is such a strong force I still don’t know if progressives know they are lying about Trump or if they truly believe what they write.
In any event, I hope this gives you a laugh. “They say Trump is using me. But if it feels this good getting used….” featuring Bill Withers, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHqfGQedTF4.
I am not seeing where mainstream media now admits Hydroxychloroquine works. Does anyone have some evidence of this in the form of articles, etc?
To me, this is even bigger news than the admission of the virus originating in a Wuhan lab. Countless doctors have been censored and smeared.