The following is commentary intended for discussion. Add your comments.
If you’re not fully vaccinated against Covid-19 in the U.S., you’re in the majority.
According to CDC, slightly less than half of people in the U.S. are fully vaccinated. Experts say just about everyone who wants to get vaccinated has now had the opportunity to do so.
As the chief marketer of vaccines, CDC is joining with vaccine companies in trying to vastly expand the vaccinated footprint. However, CDC is not being forthright with complete, accurate information that allows Americans to understand their individual risk of both Covid and the vaccines.
For example, CDC repeatedly falsified information regarding effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines in people who have already had coronavirus. Studies showed no benefit to those people, but CDC claimed otherwise and is still pushing the vaccines, which have risks of side effects, on the people who have already had Covid.
According to scientists, those who had Covid-19 have longer lasting proven immunity, so far, than those who have gotten vaccinated.
Another big lapse in disclosure is when it comes to children. Scientists agree children are at a statistically zero risk of getting seriously ill from coronavirus, let alone dying. CDC recently publicly acknowledged what other scientists had said all along: the risk of children dying from flu is greater than the risk of dying from Covid-19.
Most often, children who naturally fight off Covid-19 don’t even know they did so because they have few or no symptoms, according to virologists. And multiple studies have found that, contrary to widespread claims, children are not typically passing along the virus. Yet research shows both the vaccines and masking have negative potential health effects in kids.
Masking children and/or vaccinating them destines them to a regimen of having to get more vaccines and expose themselves to more potential risk, as the vaccines “wear off” and/or prove less effective against variants (that natural immunity protects against).
A third major issue is the drumbeat of alarm public health officials are generating over “case count” without pointing out that the more people who “get” Covid-19 and recover– which is nearly everyone– the more people who have immunity without needing to expose themselves to the potential side effects of the experimental vaccines.
In other words: in places that have upticks or “surges” in case count, there’s ultimately less need for vaccination; not more. Yet CDC treats it as if only the opposite is true without acknowledging the upside.
Lastly, CDC has fallen short of its responsibility in promoting the vaccines without disclosing side effects.
The U.S. is one of the only country that allowed drugs to be advertised on TV and in the media. The law states that those ads must come with disclosures of side effects.
However, there’s a loophole that allows vaccine makers and their government promoters to avoid disclosing side effects in ads: if they don’t mention a particular brand name, the ad can be considered “educational” and exempt from side effect disclosures.
Even so, a responsible public health agency would require and make side effect disclosures considering the fact that the vaccines are experimental and have already been linked to numerous, serious side effects, including dangerous heart inflammation in young people.
Big Tech has aided and abetted the inaccurate and incomplete information by criticizing and banning some of those who accurately point out there’s more to the equation.
People have a right to get vaccinated; and a right to take a pass. In making an informed decision that is best for the individual, better, accurate information should be provided by our health officials and government agencies.
What do you think? Leave your comments.
I agree in informed consent and the right to refuse any vaccine. No child should be required to take any vaccine. Did you know there was a compilation of CDC data from our first lockdown that shows that SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) dramatically plummeted at the same time children were no longer administered vaccines? In other words children were dying from the vaccines but instead it is being labeled as SIDS. Sound familiar people dying from the COVID vaccine. But we are being told that they are not.
Why are so many fewer children dying?
By Amy Becker and Mark Blaxill
June 18th, 2020
Dear Friends,
The government, at all levels, has done tremendous damage to Americans in its response to the COVID-19 flu.
They have lied about where it originated, who is at risk of being seriously affected by it, and the risk of transmission among healthy people exposed to it.
They have lied about how it spreads, the accuracy of the testing process, and that a positive test result is considered a “case”.
They have lied about masks, closing businesses, and the number of deaths caused by COVID-19.
They have lied about borrowing money that we do not have to give to government agencies to “fight the spread of COVID” with no accountability as to where those funds are used.
They have stolen life events from our children (academics, sports, social and family) that can never be recovered.
They have embarked upon a deliberate campaign of propaganda, with the full assistance of the national news media to foment fear and anxiety among American citizens.
They are lying about the experimental spike protein poison called a “vaccine” being touted as “necessary to save lives”, It is disabling and killing people around the world.
Pray for the truth to prevail. Pray for America to survive this all out campaign to destroy us from within. Pray for a spiritual revival to sweep across our land.
In Jesus’ name and for His sake I pray!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
The spiritual revival I would like to see is everyone stopping judging everyone else, seeing us all as one human family, and knowing that we are the masters of our destiny.
100% agree on all points. I’ve had covid and there is no way I am getting the vaccine – it’s stupid to put myself at greater risk by putting foreign substances in my body, but the CDC, the gov’t, big tech and MSM all want me to do it, to get in line. Are they that stupid or is there another agenda?
There is another agenda. Remove your liberty to make an informed decision.
Well said. And then there’s the matter of the discouragement, even suppression, of alternate therapies such re-purposed drugs such as ivermectin, fluvoxamine, and proxalutamide. (Well, there is also hydroxychloroquine but the left considers it bad since Trump liked it.) The criteria for Emergency Use Authorization include the clause ” that there is no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating such disease or condition;” If the re-purposed drugs were shown to work, vaccines would be much harder to approve under EUA. That would be a tragedy for Big Pharma.
One of the early statistics I remember from last year is that many, if not most or all, of those who were sick from covid were deficient in vitamin D – haven’t heard about that lately. But I’ve been taking 6,000Â IUs of it since it was recommended to me by my (alternative) doctor about eight years ago, and although I’ve been secondarily exposed to people who have had covid, I’m still unaffected by it.
I find it curious that a virus suddenly appeared in three researchers in China in September 2019, suddenly exploded onto the world population, killing over 2 million people in a year, and in that same year a vaccine also suddenly was developed that is now being all but forced onto people who are saying “thanks but no thanks,” while at the same time billions of people elsewhere are clamoring for it.
Simultaneously, Laura Ingraham is being criticized for calling it an experimental treatment – when after all, it’s approved for emergency use only. And if the emergency public health disaster declaration is not renewed every 90 days, will it even still be authorized for use?
I don’t feel that I’m putting anyone at risk by declining the vaccine – those who have the vaccine apparently won’t become seriously ill, and those who don’t have made that choice for themselves. So why would anyone else care what I do or don’t do? I have multiple sources of health insurance and would become a burden to no one if I became ill or even died. “My body, my choice” applies across the board.
AMEN!! And my doc (who is also alteenative/integrative) will tell you that the best defense against ANY virus is boosting your own natural immune response with LIVE food & supplemwnts that your body was made to utilize. He also states tgat the ,”vaccine” is not a vaccine, but rather rna manipulation/alteration. I agree with you, Jack – ” my body, my choice!!!
An excellent overview of vitamin D and COVID was posted just today by The Epoch Times. Here’s the link:
I agree on all points. At 71 I am healthy, not overweight, and medication free. My family has pretty much gone maskless unless we went in to blue cities ridden with fear. Vitamin D, zinc, quercitin and vitamin C has kept us covid free. But they consider that misinformation. We keep hydroxy on hand for peace of mind. The vaccine should be a choice. If they took away the liability exemption from vaccine manufacturers it would be a different story.
My body my choice., evidently, only pertains to the abortion mantra.
I think you meant to say “regimen” instead of “regiment”. Sharyl, do you have any authoritative documented summary of the mass vaccination program in 1976 for Swine flu? I think it would make a great comparison with the current one. Dr. Peter McCullough said in his interview with Alex Newman of The New American, April 27, 2021, “COVID Shot Killing Large Numbers, Warns Top COVID Doc Peter McCullough”, that “we attempted to vaccinate 55 million Americans in 1976 and got 500 cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, which is ascending paralysis from the legs upward, and 25 deaths; the program was killed after 25 deaths.” The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1997;176(Suppl):S69-72 said 45 million were immunized. Whether it’s 45 million or 55 million, that’s approximately one-third of the approximately 150 or 160 million who’ve taken the COVID-19 vaccine, but with 10,991 VAERS reported deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines, most within the first two or three days, that’s still 146 times the death rate, adjusted for the number of people vaccinated. The 1976 program lasted from Oct.1 to Dec.16, just two and a half months, whereas the current program is ongoing after about seven months. How can this be justified?
100% spot on Sharyl. TGhe more I learn about the potential side effects from these experimental vaccines the less inclined I am to take one. Also, even if they bully the FDA to approve them, I still won’t take them because they aren’t being forthright about the side effects.
Reiner Fuellmich (one of the thousands of doctors and lawyers supporting Nuremberg Trials 2.0) stated in a recent interview that a year ago if someone had suggested a genocidal program was being conducted by a small elite(say–approx 3,000 persons)he would’ve recommended the person should check into a mental hospital. Fuellmich says as of today, after interviewing hundreds of doctors, research scientists, virologists, and whistleblowers–and reviewing accredited scientific documentation, there can be no disputing the fact that crimes against humanity are underway. The bigger question may be: why the increased velocity of the nefarious actions now? Also, as Sharyl Attkisson illustrates beautifully in her latest book, “SLANTED”, never before has the complicity of the media’s support for Pharma, and the many NGO’s, been more transparent. The Big Guns who once ruled the Media News empire are also losing viewers by the droves. We are at the cusp of a brave new world, let’s make certain it’s not run by psychopaths.
Google “Georgia Guide Stones”.
My opinion is that it is because it is they feel their power slipping away as new energies, new aspirations, and new generations take hold on the planet. I think this has been a long time coming and we are seeing some of their final plays. It is all coming to a head. The question is what future we are going to choose.
I am so grateful for all of you being willing to see the nefarious stuff underway and working to create that brave and better new world!
They have the audacity to censor US for “misinformation”! Where are we??? This can’t be America anymore!
Just remember… fear mongering WORKS! At the beginning of the fear mongering I was actually spraying my mail with Lysol. After doing the difficult task of digging for the truth my sanity has returned. Explain why I’m still seeing people driving alone in their car fully masked?????
I don’t think they realized how extraordinarily low their credibility is.
“The Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) was created by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to receive reports about adverse events that may be associated with vaccines.”
I’ve analyzed the VAERS datasets from May 23, Jun 20, Jun 27, and now Jul 11 2021.
The analysis below is based on the July 11, 2021 release of the VAERS dataset. Please note that this “analysis” is not based on calculations: they are literally basic retrievals from the VAERS tables.
One final comment: there’s a big fat Disclaimer at the VAERS website warning users that their data does not establish a causal relationship between a reaction logged and the associated vaccine. FYI.
As of July 11 2021, VAERS lists 422,043 cases of adverse effects from the COVID-19 vaccines.
6,167 cases of COVID vaccine recipients becoming disabled.
7,395 cases of COVID vaccine recipients suffering life threatening conditions.
5,897 cases of COVID vaccine recipients dying.
VAERS lists 305,099 cases of COVID vaccine recipients suffering an adverse reaction within 5 days of injection.
* The number of days VAERS logs between date of injection and date of adverse reaction
ranges from 0 to 36,896 days. (!)
– out of 422,043 entries 170,264 logged an adverse reaction the same day as the injection.
– we find 117 entries listing an adverse reaction 1 year since the injection (364/365/366/367 days).
– we find 9 entries listing adverse reactions 9 years from injection(!) (3,288 days)
– we find 25 entries listing adverse reactions 100 years from injection(!!) (36,525/36,526 days)
– and the Grand Prize goes to 1 adverse reaction 101.08 years from injection(!!!) (36,896 days)
Age ranges from VAERS regarding COVID19 vaccine recipients:
* out of 422,043 entries 26,946 failed to log the age of the patient.
* there are 16 entries of adverse reactions in infants less than 1 month old.
(when did we start jabbing infants?)
* from
“As of 19 July 2021, the GRG lists the oldest living American as Thelma Sutcliffe
(born in Omaha, Nebraska, October 1, 1906) aged 114 years, 291 days.”
“The longest-lived person ever from the United States was Sarah Knauss of Hollywood, Pennsylvania,
who died on December 30, 1999, aged 119 years, 97 days.”
* from
“There are currently 5 validated living American supercentenarians, the oldest of whom is Thelma Sutcliffe
at 114 years, 291 days.”
* according to the list published by the wikipedia link, no one is alive who is 115 or older.
Out of 422,043 entries we find 5 recipients listed at age 115 and 2 at age 119.
This is our federal government tracking issues of a disease to protect us. Given what you see above, how confident are you in their accuracy?
Agree. That the shot manufacturers were not required to exhaustively track and report safety data as the shots go live is absurd.
“Misinformation” has nothing to do with whether something is true or not. It’s simply information that the people doing the censoring would rather you not have. There are more deaths reported for these vaccines (11,000+ as of this week, U.S. only, and widely regarded, according to government commissioned studies, to be only between 1-10% of the actual numbers), than for ALL vaccines for the prior 30 years. And those are only the injuries occurring now. What will happen down the line? Some doctors are raising the alarm about things they are observing that may be the beginning of serious longer term consequences.
If you post about your own personal injury on social media, it will likely be removed as “misinformation”. Post the link to the VAERS website — the government’s own website — and that will be removed too. Isn’t glaring omission of truth also a form of “misinformation”?
The people I used to call conspiracy theorists, I will soon be forced to call prophets if this keeps up.
Well said. I wrote something that only quoted CDC, Pfizer, and Moderna’s own studies and that was censored! I have to think more people are seeing how ridiculous this is. Even if someone supports the shot, is this the kind of autocratic world they want to live in??
Anything that started with the Great Toilet Paper Hoarding Hoax was not ripe for factual rebuttal.
Hysteria first, blind compliance with the first layer hoax – toilet paper, toilet paper, toilet paper. Then insert covid, covid, covid. Then add new vocabulary words: secret spreader, super-spreader, masks, masks masks, colored armbands, and now anti-vax killers that have granny’s blood on their hands, or breath.
Zoom schools, terrorized daily lives and armies of frightened sheep where there once was America, the home of the free and the brave.
I guess we are not better than this. But it did start with the Great Toilet Paper Hoarding Hoax – that prepared the soil. Who was really behind spreading that into the US- as the horse covid-covid-covid finally rode in later.
Apparently, I’m a dissident. I haven’t trusted what the mass media or the US government has told us for decades. Which is really sad for them.
I’m scared for my 20 year old son going to college and playing football. He was diagnosed with China-19 and quarantined 5 days after starting his freshman year. Football was postponed for 8 months and school learning was a minimum. Now, it looks like they are going to stir up the nonsense again. I hope they don’t force him into taking an experimental shot, which could harm him. He has a great immune system that God has given him. But, he has a notion to believe the. “ authorities “
I hope they don’t coerce him either. If this gets to be a serious problem, one can only hope that alternatives will spring up that cater to those refusing the shot, even if they can’t do it openly. There will be a black market of services for all of us who don’t want to be injected with poison.
Well said. I am encouraged that more doctors are starting to speak up and sound the alarm on the potential risks of the shot (article listing doctors taking action here – I hope that the longer this goes on, the more data on risks and side effects are gathered, and the harder it becomes for the masses to ignore what is really going on.
Regarding children, the logic is so flawed as to be obvious. They say it is to protect children and prevent kids from endangering others. However, as you said, (1) children are at virtually zero risk for serious illness or death, (2) we know that children ARE at risk of serious side effects from the shot, (3) studies show children do not transmit to other children or adults, and (4) the shot is not proven to prevent transmission, making its primary purpose to protect the person who received it (and kids don’t need that protection). The horrifying reality is that they are coming after our children to subject them to something that could compromise them long term. My theory on why is here – I also really recommend this recent video –
Given what we know (despite all the misinformation/lack of information till this day) as a healthy 35 year old, I think it is rational that I do not want the vaccine. I am saddened that my healthy 26 year-old brother took the vaccine and that he insists that we should all take it. I respect his decision but I do not like that like many in the media, wants to make us feel like we’re being dumb irrational people for not wanting to take the vaccine. Thank you Sharyl for being a voice of reason in all the chaos. I agree with your opinion and I do not plan to give my children a vaccine. Thank you for reminding us that we are not the minority.
The whole thing is malign at the core. Forcing vaccines? Withholding and censoring? The government and big money is behind all the troubles.
I’ve said since Jan. 2020 when Pres Trump was ridiculed for stopping incoming flights from some countries that we need to develop programs to protect the most vulnerable, and let the rest of the country get on with their lives. Herd immunity would have developed naturally a long time ago and we wouldn’t still be faced with this nightmare.
Questions that have been asked by others but worth repeating:
1. Why are these people who are promoting the shots so unwilling to entertain genuine scientific debate? At no time in my life has science expert commentary across the board (virology, epidemiology, biology, genetics, etc) been so widely censored. The defining thing that distinguishes science from other disciplines is that it welcomes debate. What we’ve seen for a year and a half is exactly the opposite.
2. Why have we given over total control of social policy to a bureaucratic medical person who does not have to function in the same world the rest of us do? (he doesn’t have children who go to school anymore and need social interaction, he doesn’t run a business and have to work with others to make a living, etc). This man essentially lives in a bubble unlike most of the rest of the country and the policies he’s pushing force the rest of us to join him in his bubble instead of the other way around.
3. Why does this same man who knows absolutely NOTHING about my medical history get to ridicule me and threaten me with losing my constitutionally-protected civil right to make my own choices? He and his funders have decided that everyone on this planet apparently will have exactly the same reaction to the jab no matter what medical conditions they have. And oh by the way, if I’m one of the ones who don’t, then that’s my bad luck. They can’t possibly know how people are going to react because there hasn’t been enough time to do that kind of research. It would take years.
This is a power grab plain and simple, and a way to enrich already mind-numbingly rich people.