IRS gives tax exempt status to Christian non-profit, after all

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently reversed a decision to deny a Christian non-profit tax exempt status. That’s according to a Newsmax report.

The IRS originally denied tax exempt status to Christians Engaged, a non-profit organization. The IRS incorrectly reasoned: “[B]ible teachings are typically affiliated with the [Republican] party and candidates”, according to Newsmax.

Christians Engaged reportedly appealed the IRS’ denial of tax exempt status with the help of conservative legal group First Liberty Institute.

Meantime, fourteen Republican members of Congress rebuked the IRS and asked IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig to fire those involved in making the decision.

The IRS was widely criticized after an embarrassing chapter when it got caught under President Obama using political bias to block tax exempt status primarily from conservative-leaning nonprofits.

Sadly following in the footsteps of the Obama IRS, the Biden IRS was likewise politically weaponized when it indefensibly denied tax-exempt status to the Texas nonprofit organization Christians Engaged.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)

Click the link below to read the Newsmax story:

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3 thoughts on “IRS gives tax exempt status to Christian non-profit, after all”

  1. If any organization needs to lose tax exemption status it’s The Church of Scientology” They are sitting on millions of dollar of assets in buildings that aren’t occupied . They abuse their members and take away all their rights. But they are connected with the likes of Cruise and Travolta and the government are scared of them for some reason.

  2. I thought of Obama as well thinking “I thought all of that was taken care of “

    I guess it’s like taxes they never go away.

  3. Happy that the decision reversed….what a juvenile reason for denying originally…..par for the course!

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