If you’ve already had two doses of either the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 or Moderna vaccine– is it already time for a third dose?
Yes, say the vaccine makers, citing data showing the vaccine wearing off after six months.
They say a third shot is needed as early as six months after the second, implying the initial regimen — in their view — isn’t effective enough for very long. They are seeking approval to market the number three booster.
Causes for concern raising the possible need include: the fact that Israel has found Pfizer vaccine’s effectiveness appears to be wearing off. Vaccine effectiveness there is down to a reported 64% protection. Also, the vaccine is proving largely ineffective against a dominant variant of Covid-19, “Delta.” Additionally, Pfizer is also working to develop a separate vaccine that works better against the variant.
The development of variants were expected and anticipated from the start, according to virologists. But officials had hoped the vaccines would prove highly effective against all versions of Covid-19 as the virus goes through natural modifications and changes.
“As seen in real world data released from the Israel Ministry of Health, vaccine efficacy in preventing both infection and symptomatic disease has declined six months post-vaccination, although efficacy in preventing serious illnesses remains high,” Pfizer said.
However, the FDA and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) say here isn’t yet a demonstrated need for yet another shot.
“Americans who have been fully vaccinated do not need a booster shot at this time,” said the agencies in a joint statement.
The Covid-19 vaccines are under study for possible side effects at the same time they are already in use. They haven’t yet been on the market a full year. The government approved them using an emergency authorization that allowed them to skip or collapse steps in the normal testing and approval process.
So far, warnings and cautions have emerged about vaccine links to numerous injuries and deaths including from heart inflammation (particularly in young men and boys), blood clots and other blood issues, and a variety of neurological and other adverse events.
However, public health officials are recommending widespread use of the vaccines, even among the young who are said to be at a near “zero” statistical risk of serious illness, saying the vaccines are safe and effective.
Scientists who are critical of the government’s Covid-19 vaccine strategy point out that unlike those who have been vaccinated, people who were infected with Covid-19, or fought it off naturally without symptoms (which is the majority, according to scientists), are proving to be largely immune from the variants. Almost everybody who gets Covid-19 recovers without serious illness, according to scientists.
For people with no symptoms, there’s no way to know for sure whether they fought off Covid-19 naturally, because they may not have needed to develop antibodies at all; or the antibodies they developed may not be present at measurable levels during subsequent tests.
Americans who have been fully vaccinated do not need a booster shot at this time. FDA, CDC, and NIH are engaged in a science-based, rigorous process to consider whether or when a booster might be necessary. This process takes into account laboratory data, clinical trial data, and cohort data – which can include data from specific pharmaceutical companies, but does not rely on those data exclusively.
Joint CDC and FDA statement
Read the full CDC and FDA statement below.
Joint CDC and FDA Statement on Vaccine Boosters
The United States is fortunate to have highly effective vaccines that are widely available for those aged 12 and up. People who are fully vaccinated are protected from severe disease and death, including from the variants currently circulating in the country such as Delta. People who are not vaccinated remain at risk. Virtually all COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths are among those who are unvaccinated. We encourage Americans who have not yet been vaccinated to get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect themselves and their community.
Americans who have been fully vaccinated do not need a booster shot at this time. FDA, CDC, and NIH are engaged in a science-based, rigorous process to consider whether or when a booster might be necessary. This process takes into account laboratory data, clinical trial data, and cohort data – which can include data from specific pharmaceutical companies, but does not rely on those data exclusively. We continue to review any new data as it becomes available and will keep the public informed. We are prepared for booster doses if and when the science demonstrates that they are needed.
Fear is an amazing tool.
It can make a mother do an incredible thing, like lifting a car off of a trapped child.
Or, it can be used by bankers to generate enormous, almost incalculable, wealth by redirecting public monies towards pharmaceutical companies, have the US government create great expenditures which the Fed gets to multiply and spread 10 times the debt to select banking families all over Europe and the world.
It can be used to steal an election, take over a government and enslave a nation’s citizens.
It can be used to inject mRNA into millions of people that can program their cells to do anything unnatural. – such as not defend itself against a future man made bioweapon.
Yes, fear is a powerful tool.
Knowledge is powerful too
The knowledge that all variants of flu tend to become more transmissible and less dangerous. That, at most, 2 percent of the DNA of a virus is morphing each time it infects someone knew and reflects and absorbs data from their DNA The herd immunity has always been the fastest way to neutralize dangerous viruses and is thousands of times more effective than any vaccine, because it carries hundreds of thousands of times the immune data which is absorbed, naturally, into our cells and lasts a lifetime and is shared via infection of ever weaker and more transmissible strains of virus.
That in the time the average person walks into a supermarket, if they stay 20 minutes, they have already inhaled and been infected by 10-30 different “variant” airborne virus carriers – and within minutes, their immune system has added the new genetic data via “cell reflection” as their white blood cells interfaced with the virus. This is true whether the individual wore a mask or had no mask.
That everyone alive has encountered many versions of COVID-19. That there are literally billions of variants and that their immune system keeps updating and becoming more effective at neutralizing these threats – often so efficient the person never even knew they were infected.
That because of this universal COVID-19 variant infection, anyone or any animal that dies today can be identified as someone or something infected with COVID-19. That 27 year old in the hiking accident , the poor older woman who slipped on the ice, the dog that was hit by a car…all of them will be carrying COVID-19 variants in their blood cells.
That COVID-19 is now more common than the common flu and has, as nature is won’t to do, become the top flu strain through it’s unique invasive pathway. And over the next few years will become ever weaker, more transmissible and future generations of people will carry natural immunity passed on by their mothers during their pregnancy.
Fear will not be relinquished.
Already we see the pathos-sculpted people, “groom” their future victims for the next “inevitable” pandemic. After all, the power must be maintained, the money must keep flowing and their wholly inescapably scarred minds and destructively selfish lives can continue.
At least until knowledge becomes so pervasive it creates a “herd immunity” against fear.
Well said!
So good!! You are right on!
A secular world needs a god – and it has pharma, which has wreaked havoc on a blind people, laughing all the way to the bank, and accountable for none of its atrocities, compromising the medical profession for filthy lucre! Yes, fear is its tool, as it is the tool of all tyranny.
I much prefer the empowerment of: “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
So what this tells me is they are going to mandate this poison be injected into people every 6 months. What a financial bonanza for big Pharma. All this for a yearly flu that had a slightly lower survivability rate (99.7%) than the normal yearly flu (99.8%). What trusting fools humans have turned out to be.
Here is something that needs attention to for investigation. Our federal agencies that are supposed to protect us needs major reform, should be independent with no monetary incentives. Someone like Fauci should never be given this much power.
I’ll stop at two, thank you very much.
All this fear mongering about getting a booster but we never hear about encouraging people to get Novavax when it comes out as the government slow walks the approvals. It’s much more like a normal vaccine with no mRNA or spiked proteins to worry about. Their silence on other options coming should make everyone angry. Evil pieces of trash
A ”booster” shot. The ONLY thing that is will boost is the pigs from Big Pharma and their juicy stock options. These parasites promised the fools that it would immunize people. It doesnt by the way. These people are truly like organized crime. The MDs these disgusting professionals go along with it because they are corrupt, brainwashed or too coward for the most (some rare exceptions here) to go against what is truly beleive is a criminal cartel of gangsters and psychopathic mass murderers that make money on disease not on health. So now we have the Delta strain, in South America the lambda strain and now in Moscow they say the Vodka strain. Dark humor indeed is needed here. People will indeed have to wisen up and refuse to collaborate with what I truly consider dangerous quacks nor true scientists or real MDs. As for these filthy journalists and politicians bough off by big pharma they should indeed be targeted and kicked out of power or fired permanently. Not just Biden and his gang of psychopaths by the way, but also Trump for having forced us and the world into this gruesome tragedy called ”Warp Speed”. Trusting authority today is DEADLY. I have people that I love already victims of this truly demonic entreprise.
the Kappa strain is not behind, that was an article just scrolled by, did they name these for frats is epsilon next? omega? sigh.
Everything not being said in mainstream media is the news story of our near new future. Why have alternative therapies been discarded,,not discussed, shut down? What is the reason so many have decided not to get the vaccine? None of this and so much more is left out of mainstream discussion. Why have all the people with any alternative scientific views been silenced?
I could go on and on. Follow the money,.