Dr. Jay Bhattacharya has the straight facts when it comes to Covid-19, masks, and kids. Has Covid-19 become deadlier for children? Are masks a good idea? You might be surprised by the evidence when it’s presented minus the rumor and hype.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya has the straight facts when it comes to Covid-19, masks, and kids. Has Covid-19 become deadlier for children? Are masks a good idea? You might be surprised by the evidence when it’s presented minus the rumor and hype.
God bless you Sharyl Attkisson for the work you do. One of the biggest problems I see with respect to this whole Covid thing is lack of real information, or conflicting information, totally confusing the public. If confusion is the goal of our leaders, they’re doing a great job, but then that’s their mantra: CONFUSION!
Masks, no masks. Vaccinations, no vaccinations. What is the truth? What good does mask/vaccine mandates do if there are those who refuse (for religious or personal reasons) to join the crowds? Makes no sense at all. Either mandates are followed and enforced for everyone, or do away with the mandates. Another band-aid fix.
Go into a dental office or medical facility and one of the questions that inevitably pops up is, “Have you been in contact with anyone with Covid”? How in the heck are we supposed to know how to answer that question. Another government mandate that makes no sense at all.
“The Scientific Process Is Short-Circuited By Politics” – Startling Admission From Scientists Jeopardizes Biden’s Boosters
As more scientists complain to the mainstream media, it’s looking increasingly likely that the FDA might scuttle the administration’s push to dole out