READ: Trump on ‘Afghanistan Disaster’ and military equipment handed over to Taliban

– August 20, 2021 – 

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

This Afghanistan Disaster wouldn’t have happened with Trump. The Taliban knew I would rain down fire and fury if any American personnel or interests were harmed, the likes of which have never been seen. This is a catastrophe of historic proportions. 

– August 20, 2021 – 
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Joe Biden must apologize to America for allowing the Military to leave before civilians and for allowing $85 Billion dollars worth of sophisticated Military equipment to be handed over to the Taliban (and Russia and China so they can copy it) rather than bringing it back to the United States!

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4 thoughts on “READ: Trump on ‘Afghanistan Disaster’ and military equipment handed over to Taliban”

  1. Isn’t there something in the Patriot Act that says if you fund or supply terrorists by any means you are guilty of a felony? Why isn’t Biden being impeached for this?

  2. Marc Maximilien Authier

    Just a reminder here. I remember a certain photo of RONALD REAGAN shaking hands and smiling to a bunch of Taliban leaders in the 1980s in the Oval Office. Americans which suffer of dementia very often when it comes to the crimes against humanity committed by the terrorists from the Whiter House should be reminded that the Taliban movement from the start, was their little monster. The evil people from Al-CIA-aida are lucky indeed to have so many demented and amnesic American citizens. The CIA is in reality the main islamist terrorist organization. Its always has been the case by the way. Now nothing really changes since USA regularly supplies weapons to arab islamist terrorists. Ask Syrians, Irakis and of cours Afghanis.

  3. There is lots of equipment that the Taliban can use but most of the aircraft are too complicated for them to use or repair without expert training. This is a typical situation when troops move out and are not able to take their equipment with them.

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