The following is from a report in the Daily Mail.
The activity under investigation dates back 70 years in Ireland.
“Scientists secretly vaccinated more than 2,000 children in religious-run homes in suspected illegal drug trials, it emerged today,” according to the Daily Mail.
“Old medical records show that 2,051 children and babies in Irish care homes were given a one-shot diphtheria vaccine for international drugs giant Burroughs Wellcome between 1930 and 1936. There is no evidence that consent was ever sought, nor any records of how many may have died or suffered debilitating side-effects as a result.”
“The scandal was revealed as Irish premier, Enda Kenny, ordered ministers to see whether there are more mass baby graves after the discovery that 800 infants may be buried in a septic tank outside a former mother and baby home in Tuam, Co. Galway.”
just like now , comparison, and those taking this, are now sick and spreaders . people have all been duped . but we follow like sheep lead to slotter .
This is not the first time the Catholic nuns have sold babies into experimental trials. The same thing happened with HIV vaccines given to perfectly healthy orphaned babies in the 80s. The church received lots of money for letting this happen. many babies died. They also sold babies of unwed mothers ; telling them they died at birth and records were sealed.
BTW the Wellcome society along with the Galton Institute are both Eugenicist Societies and still directly involved in primary funding of “affordable’ Astra Zenica Covid shots for third world countries. BTW it has also been found that the Astra Zenica shot has the highest levels of graphene oxide of all the shots. Asratra zenica, Pfizer,Merck, GSK and Johnson & johnson are ALL SERIAL CONVICTED FELONS FOR LYING ABOUT THEIR PRODUCTS but now have complete immunity from prosecution if their toxic vaccines kill or maim you. Gates is also a convicted felon. Moderna in ten years has NEVER PRODUCED A SINGLE FDA APPROVED DRUG but because NIAID and FAUCI are heavily invested [50%] they are allowed to be at the top of the list for approval.
Merck has ads on TV about its vaccine – for kids – against
contracting HPV-related cancers of the mouth, throat and
genitals (( the actual PANDEMIC, far more dangerous than
flu and colds )).
This scribbler recalls TV-talk-show host Phil Donahue mocking
folks in his audience, who expressed concerns about the Sixties’
Sexual Revolt—against Sex-Is-Sacred traditions kept within the
boundary of marriage.
Now, libertine Leftists’ growing/spreading DISEASES via that
EMOTION-premised revolt, against moral restraints, threatens
all of humanity—and is kept hidden by a complicit, sex-
obsessed/-addicted MSM and medical community.
Well, there are now over two-hundred
variants of HPV, each of which variant
requires a vaccine to targets its own
unique gene-configuration.
Inoculations are immunosuppressant
invasions of the body!—but a goldmine
for drug companies.
Listen to this MORAL doctor’s points :
Stunning Video—as Doctor Explains
Why Not to Mask or Take the Shot :
What about the deaths from the first polio vaccines? Smithsonian had a great program about the quest for the polio vax, but I doubt they still will run it.