Puerto Rico’s financial disaster and bankruptcy impacts all of us in a way.
That’s because we’ve committed more tax money for the double hurricanes there a few years ago than for any other natural disaster in history.
But the U.S. territory’s recovery could impact us all in a better way. They’ve started an initiative to reposition themselves as “America’s medicine cabinet,” using incentives to attract a lot of pharmaceutical companies.
In the end, the business plan could help the U.S. reduce or end its unwise reliance on Chinese medicine.
Sunday on Full Measure, come with me to Puerto Rico to find out more.
Also Lisa Fletcher is with us to continue her coverage on America’s wildfires. As you may know many California wildfires are caused by poorly maintained power lines. They’ve cost many lives and billions of tax dollars.
But on the east coast, they use different mitigation strategies and preventive efforts that some say are more successful than what the west is trying.
Lisa will tell us why some of those methods are frowned upon or not allowed in California.
I’ll speak to a US oil adviser from the Iraq war days who is asking some hard questions about why some of America’s successful and relatively inexpensive oil projects in Iraq were not modeled in Afghanistan, where we wasted so many billions in tax dollars.
And an update to my report from Wyoming on a fascinating contest to award some of the brightest inventors on the planet a cash prize for inventing the most creative way to use carbon dioxide discharge from coal power plants!
We never waste your time rehashing the same news you’ve heard all week. Find out where and when to watch on TV or online by clicking this link: How to Watch Full Measure
Is this biosimilar company and bioscience Corp. by Chang and salcedo directly connected to China? https://www.biospace.com/article/releases/biosciencescorp-partners-with-mab-venture-on-biosimilar-development-for-emerging-markets-including-but-not-limited-to-india-saarc-mena-turkey-latam-russia-/
“But the U.S. territory’s recovery could impact us all in a better way. They’ve started an initiative to reposition themselves as ‘America’s medicine cabinet,’ using incentives to attract a lot of pharmaceutical companies.”
Given that accidental deaths from prescription meds (as prescribed) tops 128,000 a year and is the fourth leading cause of death, I don’t see this as a good impact.
I haven’t taken any Big Pharma products in nearly six years in part because meds left me with hearing loss and severe tinnitus post operation.
This is a big reason why I decline COVID shots.
As an employee of a Fortune 200 company that had two plants in Puerto Rico for 30+ years I can tell you that manufacturing there is no easy thing. Our company always battled with poor employee performance and attendance. Most of the time if an engineering issue came up they had to send engineers from US plants to solve the problem. Production and quality issues lingered for years without be solved. Many engineers fought going because of crime issues one being held up at gun point. The company moved a portion of the operation to PR in the 80’s for the tax break and eventually moved all the production from the US there because they were greedy. The hurricane that hit several years put them in a tailspin because they couldn’t get supplies there and had to broker ships of fuel to keep generators running. I guess it’s still better than trusting China and India to make a quality product and not steal your intellectual property.
MachEng (( and Full Measure Team )),
To explain the “poor employee performance and attendance,”
as you’ve put it (( rampant across the entirety of Western
Civilization, beginning with the 1960s sexual, anything-goes,
M A R X I A N revolt against MORAL, father-knows-best
P A T E R N A L I S M :
[[ You, Sharyl, could not have penned
that list of personality types without a
keen/deep interest in the Psychology of
all things. Remove this after copying to
paper—for future reference ]]
— My Organic Psychology Explains this Near-Death of the West —
( ’Socialized Hemispherectomy’—Via Liberals’/Libertines’ Public Schools )
Barb Oakley had described in her book, “Evil Genes . . . ,” how flummoxed she had been to hear Soviet COMRADES discuss with each other how wonderful and superior
communism is—compared with Western, non-centralized, meritorious capitalism.
In the early Seventies, I had had a similar experience with an otherwise brilliant guy, who believed the Soviet Model to be far superior to the West‘s—no matter my recounting the deadly/evil/worse-than-Hitler horrors of Bolshevik Russia’s collectivist society (( after Jewish leadership tracks down that last living Nazi, they’ll begin hunting Bolsheviks who had escaped to hide in the Christian West?—keep in mind Nazism and Communism are sister political camps of anti-individual C O L L E C T I V I S M )).
My two synonymous terms :
“ Brain Blindness ”
“ Utopipsychosis, “
address an actual, organic condition of
that Soviet brain – of L E F T I S M – called,
“Socialized H E M I S P H E R E C T O M Y”
( My term—for describing the ROOT
Cause of today’s failing, Marxian, Feminized
Public mis-/mal-/un-Education in the West. ).
There are 3 possible means to removing the LOGICAL/Moral/Executive side of the human brain (( the left-hemisphere’s pre-frontal lobe, used to pass that “marshmallow test”—which passing is very high among Whites and Asians but very low among Blacks and Brown Hispanics; and how may any space-age society keep its science-edge while its collective IQ is plunging!, because of minority demands for more and more Affirmative Racism hires ? )) :
1. damage during embryonic development
2. surgically removing the left-logical hemisphere
3. mis-/mal-/un-education over decades!, via music/art/theater/entertainment/feelings
teachings —Public Schools’ ongoing FOLLY
(( BALANCE!, warned the ancient Greeks—
but, now, academic RIGOR is to be shunned
because – the braindead have warned us! –
academic scholarship smacks of “White
Supremacy” – rigor! – which actually is White
Christians’ Preservationism / Preservancy
of the highest High-Culture society in world
history )).
The late British author Colin Wilson, a correspondent of mine, had sent a book to me, in the mid-Eighties, which describes what had been the result of surgically removing a tumor-damaged left hemisphere (( masculine, logic-driven side of the brain ))—in an adult male.
After recovering from the hemispherectomy, he lacked restraint from the compulsion to stop his left arm/hand (( right-hemisphere-controlled side—keep in mind cross-lateralization of brain-body functions )) from unzipping and dropping his pants (( note that that impulse to exhibit a lack of (sexual) restraint is very strong in Democrats, who GLEEfully advocate for the S & M movie franchise, “Fifty Shades . . .” ))—as his right hand (( the left-hemisphere-controlled side—what had remained of it after surgery )) tried and tried to restrain his left, emotion-driven hand (( recall that the Hebrews’ Torah warns against turning to the LEFT—warns against using the emotional-/musical-/feelings-driven right-hemisphere )), as being SINISTER/Foolish while advising to turn RIGHTward!—to be WISE!, by using the logic-driven, algorithmic, don’t-touch-that-hot-stove-again left hemisphere; and that dichotomous Hemisphericity being unknown to them, yet gleaned from observing male/female differences in behavior; and the Holy Bible warns agains following : “Heart, who can know it?” )).
Soviet Bolshevism had been a full surrender to reptilian-brain appetites (( far more easily reached via the emoting/musical right hemisphere )) : T O R T U R E, rape, robbery, and raucous mayhem (( that’s Democrats’ social character, whenever sharply triggered, such as in the Jacobins’ hellish/bloody/stench-filled French Revolt ))—lusting for the smell of rotting flesh (( to identify one Old-Brain – reptilian – inclination!, and what drives some serial killers to keep going back to where a victim is partially buried, and using the stinking corpse – repetitively! – for orgasmic sexual release/satisfaction )).
In America, the Sex-is-for-FUN // wombed babies are “unviable tissue mass” // and deny-G_d, and any-virtuous-living Democrat Party has become a serial killer of good civil society (( why it advances/supports those SAVAGE AntifaComs‘ – communists’ – mayhem within our cities, and curiously having an inordinate number of Jewish females in their ranks appearing the most violent—read UNZ-dot-Com report on that matter )) : LEFTISM
GOOD-Morals RIGHTISTS (( keeping clean, not using drugs, picking up litter, and never lusting after porn and kids as sexual objects )) retreats from the battleground (( he may not be evolutionarily equipped to defeat that savage, reptilian brain—which defeat results from good breeding!, partly, not “hooking up” willy-nilly on a Saturday night )).
[[ Or, put another way :
Rightists pick up our TRASH, take
bathes, stay moral, view sex and
wombed babies as sacred!, and
advance Tea Party conservatism
Leftists TRASH everything in view,
crap on cop cars, molest women
and kids, steal from the productive
– to enable the sloth-type “poor” –
and Occupy Wall Street with
libertine, any-thing-goes socialism. ]]
That appeal to EVIL is product of the rise of RADICAL, hear-me-roar feminism, which is Marxism/LEFTISM/Carnalism.
Socialism/Communism is always a cloaked/masked lust for getting at that pretty girl (or boy) standing over there, and an EXCUSE for STEALING neighbors’ property—to be “FAIR” / Equitable.
In short. Leftists hunger for ORGIES, S & M sex and, eventually, CANNIBAL-
Politically, Leftists NASTY POOPelosi and Chucky-the-Supreme-EMOTER-Shumer secretly hope to rip out MORAL hearts and eat them !
The C O M B A T A N T S are the pre-frontal lobe (( Angel of Light )) and the
amygdala (( Angel of Darkness )); and see references to the two combatant angels in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
All of the above may help you to ponder/understand the ROOT Cause of the West’s – of our! – steep moral/cultural/financial decline (( the C O N D U C T O R of our decline cannot be SAFELY named here )).
Your reporting on Puerto Rico’s plan reminded me of Operation Bootstrap, where in the 1960’s
the island was allowed to attract pharmaceutical companies and other industries as a tax haven.
Obviously, the program was allowed to expire and it is good to see it may return. Less dependence om any other nations for our medicines (et al) is a great idea.
Also some Puerto Ricans are trying hard to get off of imported oil and gas and build up their solar power grid. The money has been sent so hopefully they’ll be able to rebuild their electric system taping the plentiful and more easily repaired solar powered system.