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5 thoughts on “(Exclusive) Donald Trump’s first broadcast TV interview since leaving office”

    1. Jim,

      Thatโ€™s a bit unfair.

      Possibly, you and Sharyl and Full Measure Team
      (( and Mr. Trump )) can be informed by my below
      analyses :

      [[ Sharyl, copy to paper, then remove ]]

      All Covid-19 reports are
      symptomatic deflections
      from a Root-Cause Con-
      spiracy, to hide Deep State
      machinations!, to destroy
      White Christian America
      and build Global Economic
      Socialism under the rule
      of United Nationsโ€™ tyrants,
      then morph the world into :

      Brutalitarian Communism
      (( study Bolshevik Russia,
      to see your future, if that
      Tribe succeeds here )).

      My Psychology-Based report
      reveals the ROOT CAUSE of
      Western Civilizationโ€™s decline :
      Forwarded Message :

      Dear James Kunstler,

      You opine on Lew Rockwellโ€™s Page :

      โ€œ. . . That would be Election Science, or the hypotheses and proofs of how ballots are cast and votes are tallied. These are also matters that our Knights of Public Management, such as Arizona Governor Doug Doucy and Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, and their Secretaries of State Hobbs and Raffensperger, declare to be unworthy of investigation. And yet, investigations are apparently proceeding against their wishes and convictions, thanks to the Arizona State Senate and some Georgia judges. Standing by now to see how much more psychotic Americaโ€™s collective persona grows as that nasty business creeps forward . . .โ€

      The psychosis is F E M I N I S M, as that
      right-hemisphere, always-EMOTING mind
      (( Note : it craves drama to FEEEEL alive ))
      seeks POWER and CONTROL whenever on
      the march (( physical appearance doesnโ€™t
      always identify the mental sex of a โ€œmanโ€
      or โ€œwoman,โ€ as, for example, Mr. Bill
      Clinton is psychologically female; ergo,
      sexually lesbian ! ))โ€”why leftist โ€œmenโ€
      display effeminacy/feminism.

      Aristotle had made this observation,
      to explain for us how we got to this
      tragic, anti-white, minority-run AmeriKa :

      โ€œMasculine republics
      give way to feminine
      democracies, and
      feminine democracies
      give way to tyranny.โ€

      The West is now comprised of
      feminine/feminist democracies.

      Re your reference to the ballot,
      my essay explains why voting
      is pretty much MINORITY Rule,
      in this purported DEMOCRATIC
      Republic; that is, America has
      not been a democratic repub-
      lic from the time Marxist-con-
      trolled Abraham Lincoln killed
      self-determination, and the
      Founding Documents, by cap-
      turing the Southโ€™s economy –
      to C E N T R A L I Z E control ! –
      using the LIE of fighting slavery,
      which had been waning across
      Western Civilization (( btw, few
      know of female Quakersโ€™ role
      in driving Lincoln to bloody war,
      as he was reluctantโ€”but those
      women relentlessly embarrassed,
      cajoled, and drove Lincoln to
      violate the Rule-of-Law Founding
      Documents )).


      Why Bother




      You Elect


      Socialist/Communist Dictators?

      Clever (or ignorant) elites on both the left and right try to convince you that democracy is “mob rule”โ€”that your elected representatives in Congress are to do their bidding, not yours, in voting to influence outcomes for “your” nation’s future.

      Do you know that America isn’t really a democracy? Do you know that this democratic republic isn’t really democratic? Do you know that the idea “majority rule” in a democracy is a greater tyranny than minority rule or rule by dictatorship? Do majorities rule here? Do you wonder why elites are befuddled by low voter turnout? Are you an informed voter? Why?

      Some elite politicians and pundits like to use we-can-fool-’em rhetoric, such as “this is government of, by and for the people” or “democracy is the best form of government” or “exercise your democratic right to vote” whenever the popular opinion matches their own, but will resort to warning you about “mob rule” or “tyranny of the majority” or they tout your “representative’s right to a vote of conscience” when it doesn’t. This is rule by dictator.

      Washington Post columnist David Broder believes that elected politicians in Congress are to vote their will, not yoursโ€”as do talk-show host Rush Limbaugh and columnist George Will (Limbaugh often warns his listeners against “democracy” and “mob rule” and “populous movements.” Isn’t that very, very curious?).

      In a recent column on the issue of unicameralism, George Will makes this stunningly wrong assertion: “The people do not decide issues, they decide who will decide [for them]” [Richmond Times-Dispatch, “Let Us All Now Give Praise to Gridlock,” November 5th]โ€”such as on the issue of immigration, the elites decide.

      So when you vote, do you care if your would-be congressman agrees with your views on domestic and foreign matters?

      When you vote, do you think that your would-be congressman will follow his campaign promises regarding those matters?

      Why would you vote if you knew that representatives are morally free to disregard all campaign positions and vote their own conscience, against the majority’s wishes?
      Why would you vote if you elect only “representative” dictators who decide matters apart from constituents’ views?

      And why would you need to be an i n f o r m e d voter if your representative decides for you? This is rule by dictator.

      Blame Founder and Framer James Madison for Will’s dangerous view, whom he paraphrases to support his majorities-are-tyrannies position: “Minimize the likelihood of durable oppressive majorities by maximizing the number of minorities — factions — that will coalesce only into unstable, transitory majorities . . . Democracy, far from requiring a small, homogeneous, faction-free society, will flourish in an ‘extensive’ society with a saving multiplicity of factions,” which argument Will uses to decry unicameralism in favor of bicameralism in Minnesota, and which argument applied to any โ€œdemocraticโ€ society amounts to saying that the more factions among its people and in its deliberative bodies the more can be accomplishedโ€”and more correctly so. No! That is rule by chaos. It’s hogwash!

      Increasing factionalism is sign of civilization in decline, not ascent. Reducing differences and conflict is the purpose of virtue, of reason, of civil society, of community, of majority rule, and of democratic nationhood!

      What the m a j o r i t y of Founders truly believed can be summed up not with Madison’s words but Thomas Jefferson’s: โ€œThe first principle of republicanism is, that the lex-majoris partis [the law of the majority] . . . is the first of all lessons in importance, yet the last which is thoroughly learnt. This law once disregarded, no other remains but that of force, which ends necessarily in military despotism.โ€

      Thomas Jefferson knew that the far greater tyranny is minority rule, having seen laid out behind him millennia of despotic dictators and cabals oppressing the majority for evil ends, and which kind of oppression America’s white Christian majority โ€“ America’s founding race and culture โ€“ has suffered under m i n o r i t y cabals of progressive Jews, liberal “Christians” and atheistic humanists in the New Left Movement’s Special Rights Cause for women and blacks, strong in the Fifties – boosted by Left-controlled entertainment industries and publishing houses – and all-powerful by the late Sixties, directing white popular culture away from its high-culture/Judeo-Christian civility towards savage, anything-goes Marxist/socialist/feminism; a savagery effected by despotic, anti-white/anti-male/anti-Christian/anti-American/anti-Western federal courts and leftists in education, entertainment and mediaโ€”mainstreaming, by their utter stupidity, drug abuse and gambling and pornography and sexual deviancies and STDs and abortion and broken families and out-of-control immigration and kids having kids and kids killing kids.

      Ponder the stupidity of touting the idea “democracy” while at the same time decrying majority rule. That’s what evil elites do!

      From kids’ secret clubs to town hall meetings to congressional committees to national elections the Majority Vote rules, yet those we-know-what-is-best-for-you elites would have you believe that representatives are to dismiss majority opinion when their conscience (Or, say, a whim or money or treason) directs them to decide for you what’s best for “your” country.

      This scribbler shot down David Broder’s stupidity in a ’97 essay, “America: A Democracy or an Oligarchy of Corrupt and Powerful Men?”: We, the people, suffer the distortion that our representatives are to exercise our majority will when they vote; we suffer the misperception that this is government of, by, and for American citizens.

      Again, according to Broder, ours is supposed to be a government by elected elites who can ignore the majority’s will. Broder believes that those holding political office are to exercise their own conscience, rather than the will of the people.

      How many hard-working and middle-class Americans would be surprised by that viewโ€”that America is not a democracy nor democratic republic?

      What defines the idea “democracy”?: majority rule.

      What defines the idea “republic”?: quoting Webster’s dictionary, “a state or nation in which the supreme power rests in all the citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives elected by them.”

      What part of that definition is hard to understandโ€”that the “supreme power rests in all the citizens” or โ€œis exercised by representatives elected by themโ€?

      What does “supreme power rests in all the citizens” mean if not the majority opinion of the citizenry, exercised by “representatives elected by them”?

      It is clear that our representatives are sent to do our – the majority’s – bidding and not their own conscience. Our representatives are elected to do the majority’s will or suffer what Thomas Jefferson gave us strong warning to avoid: “The first principle of republicanism is, that the lex-majoris partis [the law of the majority] . . . is the first of all lessons in importance, yet the last which is thoroughly learnt. This law once disregarded, no other remains but that of force, which ends necessarily in military despotism.”

      There are scoundrels who fear democracy in America since democracy subverts the tyrannical machinations of dictatorial, minority elitesโ€”and America is in steep cultural decline because she hasn’t been democratic for decades. Tyrannical anti-democracy socialist/communist elites rule here!


  1. Re : JungianINTP says–
    From one Rick to another, that’s quite a tome you’ve shared! I appreciate your passion for Truth. Meantime, I’ll cut&paste your article for further consideration. Ms Attkisson’s article is shorter than yours. I am somewhat curious to understand how those few remaining journalists(that are not on the ccp dole) can continue to avoid the 500 lb gorilla in the room. The evidence for a genocidal ‘reset’, monetary makeover are both in plain sight; and yet what journalist with mainstream cred will speak truth to power even as the censors exert the mighty suppressive will of a Pharma profit/control mechanism?

  2. Sharyl and Full Measure Team,

    [[ saveโ€”and remove ]]

    This is related to my above report,
    โ€œB R U T A L I T A R I AN Communism,โ€
    as it explains a DARK/Shadow aspect
    to women in relationships with men.

    Forwarded Message :

    Dear CBS News Department Staff,

    Re : Norah Oโ€™Donnellโ€™s report on the โ€œMilitary Sex Abuse Epidemicโ€

    Extrapolate from this below
    article, to the widespread
    marital problems throughout
    Western Civ. (( and in your
    own relationships )) :

    โ€œWomenโ€™s Health Magazine, October 2012

    โ€œThis just in . . .

    โ€œSchadenfreude Through the Heart

    โ€œArenโ€™t we the kinder, gentler sex. In a
    study of 156 couples, researchers found
    that women were more satisfied when
    their partner was D I S T R E S S E D (my
    emphasis). โ€˜For women, seeing their
    partner upset reflects some degree of the
    manโ€™s investment and engagement in the
    relationship,โ€™ says study author Shiri
    Cohen, Ph.D. โ€˜And conflict gives women
    the chance to talk about their F E E L –
    I N G S.โ€™ Rep restored!โ€

    โ€” end of article โ€”

    From my marriage forward (1972), I had
    suffered that phenomenon monthly (and
    the-once-a-month objection to her going
    to work โ€œdressed like that!,โ€ which, I had
    come to realize, was due to her monthly

    So, what to call her
    gene-based effort
    to test my devotion
    โ€”her schadenfreude ? :

    โ€œThe Kick then Kiss Syndromeโ€

    My love for our child
    was too strong to es-
    cape her insanityโ€”too
    strong!; from being a
    househusband our
    first year of parenting,
    which built an
    EMOTIONAL bond
    of care AGAINST a



    -have any girlfriend in
    need of saving her
    relationship, Sharyl ?

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