President Trump visits the New York Police Department (NYPD) and the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) on the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 Islamic extremist terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

President Trump visits the New York Police Department (NYPD) and the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) on the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 Islamic extremist terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
It is heinous that a President of the United States is banned from anywhere. The Republicans (and Democrats) go on in DC like everything is fine. It’s now happening to most Americans on some level which is unacceptable. If people aren’t incensed with censorship of physicians and scientists, a tool of totalitarianism, then our free way of life will be forever snatched away.
Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful images, Sharyl! Where can we see these images full size?
Amazing the different draw of a man who is the President verses the one that’s acting as President.
Visibly night and day.
Thank you for sharing President Trump’s thoughtfulness. This doesn’t happen on the on regular news media.
The most pro American presidents since the end of WWII are Trump, Reagan, Eisenhower and perhaps JFK.
steven l,
Correct !
Consider my analyses :
[[ Sharyl and Full Measure Team, ]]
Here’s a deeper look
at the Deep State’s
FIXATION with taking
down – destroying! –
President Trump, who
remains our lawful
WINNER absent the
massive Vote-Fraud :
Those Evil Magicians’
– – –
f o r
These False-Flag Events:
-1993: Single Twin-Towers Bombing: a Failure to Communicate (shepherded event!)
-2001: Double Twin-Towers Bombing: a Failure to Communicate (shepherded event!)
-2006: Capitol Building MAGA “Riot”: a Failure to Communicate (shepherded event!)
-And Others: such as Charlottesville‘s police “failure” to manage opposing camps
—Keep in mind, the multiple-levels-of-failure EXCUSE (( as Senator Klobuchar had given on CBS News, recently )), used over and over and over again, just after terrorism events, in order to hide Spy Agencies’ multiple Failures-to-PROTECT (( mostly pre-PLANNED mischief )). So, the Communist-China-Compromised Senator Feinstein knows how to use that ploy very well, as she had aired this message on MSM networks, after the 1993 event : “Agencies had failed to communicate . . . that’s a problem!”; an (empty) excuse/explanation of a successful bombing of the first Tower, by the “Blind Sheik,” having not been prevented by FBI agents guiding-shadowing him and his Arab team (( a false-flag effort to aid ______ in the Middle East )), even supplying ACTUAL, Explosive, Bomb-making materials (( an ‘Oops!’ failure in Agencies’ communications? ))—then, sometime thereafter, for us DUMMIES, Senator Feinstein, after being asked about those Agencies’ communication failures, replied to a reporter, and to the nation (btw, was her hired 5-years-and-counting Chinese spy listening nearby ?), :
“That has been fixed!”
Really ?
—After the 2001 TOWERS bombings, our political leaders dragged out that same EXCUSE!!! : “The AGENCIES had failed to communicate!”—as if we’re a bunch of mindless dummies (( after two generations of Public School kids hitting the labor markets and our politics, well, yes!, too many D U M M I E S crowd out private-schooled, bright/wise folks ? )) having had no memory of what transpired in 1993 – and excused once again – as:
“Agencies had failed to talk with one another.”
—After various Agencies failed to protect the Capitol Building on January 6th, the “FAILURE to Communicate” excuse was deployed, once again, as Speaker Pelosi would have the nation believe her LIE—her secretly planned conspiracy to stop Trump, by (falsely) charging him with instigating “terrorism against democracy“ (( find and review the videos of that January 5th “unauthorized tour” of the Capitol Building’s hallways and rooms—to see and identify the FBI’s/Soros’ Agents-provocateur mapping their January 6th mayhem—their Kabuki Theater, as this scribbler had seen it )).
—The Try-and-Be-Moral-Hero-and-Patriotic Donald Trump was set-up by a complicit and IMMORAL Media, Democrat Party, and (Obama) Dept. of Justice, as everyone (police and SPY Agencies) knew Trump’s supporters were going to the Capitol that day—so, as had happened all summer in certain targeted cities by communist Lefties, police had been ordered to stand-down/stand-back for those Black-Lies-Matter Antifacoms, well-disguised within Trump’s MAGA crowd—heading for the Capitol Building (( there does exist, about one-second of a video record showing a small band of – FBI/Soros/Commie ? – Agents-Provocateur leading that larger group of true Trump supporters, waving them forward toward their eventual staged, Get-Trump-at-Whatever-the-Cost-or-Be-Tried-for-the-Treason CRIMES committed by Obama’s dirty DOJ agents/cops/officials/politicians/reporters )).
That about sums it up! And I wonder, since this cancer is so aggressive, what can we do about it?
Totally agree. He has no filter, but he loves America!
You Nailed It!!!!
Hopefully back soon.
The old adage that proclaims we get the government we deserve is on full display today. Fear not, if you’re stateside you’re in a lot better position than Americans in Afghanistan.
Sad what we’ve come to. If you voted for a democrat, on any level, shame on you. The whirlwind will find you, it’s a matter of time.
God bless you, Trump. Sorry for all the lies and hatred hoisted upon you by the worldwide communist left, abroad and at home.
Trump is a real leader not a cuppy self centered politician. He is America’s President for all people not just for illegals or afghans. Obiden is brain dead most of the time and real not running this country. We are in worse shape now than in pre 2001 9/11. We need someone like Trump back to take charge.
Excellent Job Mr. President. We miss you!
We will never have unity, until people are held responsible for their illegal dealings breaking the law. Republicans and Democrats both.
When ABC,NBC,CBS becomes news organization and not partisan social network than and only than will we start to be unified.
If I may present points, which might
appear to you as argumentative, but
are in the spirit of acknowledging your
WISE observations :
“Multiracial societies are inherently unstable,” —Black Professor Walter Williams (1997)
“Birds of a feather flock together.’ —Aristotle
“Racial mongrelization is an under-
ling tenet of Marxism/COMMU-
NISM, which is why nearly all ads
display minority men with a white
female—and white males become
evermore extinct in Hollywood
movies and TV commercials and
popular TV shows.“
— this scribbler’s insight, just after
Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 —
Marxian Senator Ted Kennedy’s promise, that
his Immigration Act of 1965 would NOT alter/shift
America’s White-Christian Majority Status toward
minority status, in THEIR OWN civilization (( here is
his promise )) :
“Out of deference to the critics, I want to comment on … what the bill
will not do. First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants
annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration
remains substantially the same … Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country
will not be upset … Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S.500 will
not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or
the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia.
In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed
measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.
Thirdly, the bill will not permit the entry of subversive persons, criminals,
illiterates, or those with contagious disease or serious mental illness. As I
noted a moment ago, no immigrant visa will be issued to a person who is
likely to become a public charge … the charges I have mentioned are
highly emotional, irrational, and with little foundation in fact. They are out
of line with the obligations of responsible citizenship. They breed hate of
our heritage.” (Senate Part 1, Book 1, pp. 1-3)
Finally, Mankind is not above Mother Nature’s laws :
What always happens – without exception ! – when
bad men place two pit bulls or two roosters in an
enclosed pen (( keep in mind Black males’ ongoing
Bluff-Charging tests—this summer!,
against White Civil Society )) ?
!! Remember, Whistle stop press events on AF1, allowed Clinton’s & their Comm director George Stephanopolus to ruin careers of ‘disloyal’ reporters like Brit Hume who ended up at then 3rd rated FOX.
Trump did the right thing by visiting with the N.Y. Finest.
Uplifting them after them being knocked down so much by the powers in charge.
America’s best president.
A guy from queens…… That relates to all regular people of the middle class and understands the poor. and understands how to get a job done right and how to reward hard work…….. Donald Trump. the Peoples President our… Andrew Jackson
Well Done Sharyl. Pictures are worth a thousand words.