Virtually nobody has faith the Biden administration can get things back on the right track in Afghanistan.
That’s according to the latest unscientific poll of 1,449 people at
Ninety-eight percent (98%) said they do not have faith in the Biden Administration in terms of getting back on the right track in Afghanistan.
Do you have faith the Biden admin. can get things back on the right track in Afghanistan?
1% Yes
1% I’m not sure
98% No
The former Afghanistan is now “Talibanistan’, a country which is not only dominated by militants now, but will become ‘the graduate school” of mlitancy.
Biden really had no choice but to turn it over to the Taliban. No US ally would have accepted the responsibility of making that country into a democratic state. We certainly have had successive failures attempting to establish democracies.
So, face reality and withdraw.
Sharyl and Full Measure Team,
[[ Copy to Paper, then Remove this? ]]
Glean the reasons
Beck is wrong to
ship Koranists to
Western nations—
in my below report :
Forwarded Message :
Glenn Beck & Boys are Brain-Blind—
as U.S. Vets Hate His Shipping of
Afghan Terrorists, presented as
refugees, to the West while vets are
living war-damaged lives under
bridges and on America’s streets.
Find out the why Beck’s Afghan
refugee policy is E V I L :
What is America’s “Open Borders” to effect, to
accomplish—the “THEY” want White Christians’
genocide ! (( since just before Lincoln’s war against
states’ right to self-determination, the total number
of deaths at THEIR hand approaches one-billion
Christian souls starved/tortured/hanged/shot/
made insane or killed in full-bore war )).
[[ Note: The “T H E Y,” once again, are
to blame for this growing Afghan crisis.
Everybody hides THE name, Left and
Right—because to NAME that NAME
is verboten (( no, I’ll not write it here )). ]]
From Sharyl’s text, found in here—the Maxwell quote, last paragraph : :
“That’s when the leadership transferred from a few sincere citizens to the American-trained AGITATORS [ my emphasis ]. It was THEY [ my emphasis ] who fanned the flames and directed everybody’s energies toward regime change. In the end the regimes did change, in all three countries, but it was, as your Malcolm X said, “from the old Mississippi to the new Mississippi.”
Let’s juxtapose two unfolding,
incrementalist, AGITATIONS by
the T H E Y-type conspirators :
1) Arab Spring;
2) Afghanistan refugee crisis :
Mr. Raymond Maxwell has explained the first.
The second, as well, has been PURPOSELY
engineered to serve the THEY-Run-It-All (TRIA)
Military Industrial Complex, which has been
nothing more than an ongoing Retirement
Security Program—for U.S. generals and Spy
Agency folk.
This refugee crisis is spreading Koranism
throughout the once-Christian West, which
Western religion spawned the highest high-
culture civilization in world history.
TRIA has begun its tricking/conditioning
of the American public ::
“We have to get our 9,000
translators out of country,
or they face certain death
by the Taliban.”
Not more than a few weeks later, the number
rose to 65,000–of those who had helped our
military (those Afghan men and their families),
who must be saved.
Then, the number grew to 100,000 a week
later, of those needing U.S. protection—or
risk their suffering Taliban death squads
[[ Note : The THEY control mass U.S. media, to
explain how a plan can be hatched and sold to
us—to damage America via the kill-unbelievers
Koranists. Wakey, Wakey—Glenn Beck & Boys ! ]]
Well, this morning, August 29th, NBC’s Chuck Todd
( Meet the Press ) dropped a new number on us :
“A quarter-million (anti-Christian) Afghan refugees
need rescuing.”
Welcome to America, you Koranist terrorists :
Wecome to America, you Koranist necrophiliacs :
Welcome the M U R D E R of America ?
[[ Note : The good-cop/bad-cop game is played
by the FALSE differentiation of “Islamists” and
“Militant Islamists.” They are ALL Koranists !, which
term exposes its hidden “sacred” rules :
1). always lie, in order to advance the movement.
2). all those outside the movement must be converted or killed. ]]
Are you an unbeliever in Koranism ?
Yes, eventually, every Koranist [[ – “Kill unbelievers
wherever you may find them.” – ]] man, woman and
child may now receive a special invitation to further
dilute White Christian Americans’ place/power in
their own civilization (( keep in mind, Affirmative-
Racism and Affirmative-Sexism rules still apply, re
getting any job, dear Whitey ! )).
Well, who knew America’s Cradle-To-Grave Welfare
System – and her hot water and flushing toilets and
medical care – would be such a GREAT ATTRACTOR
(my term) to those 3-to-5-Billion dreaming/scheming/
pleading to reach our Once-Secure, Once-White-
Majority cities, towns, and rural communities ?
This scribber has known for over 5 decades!, and have
raised the ALARM about the actual, secret conspiracy
to destroy the Founders’/Framers’ White Christian Civil
Society; for imposing Global Economic Socialism—then
worldwide B R U T A L I T A R I A N communism.
Folks, all of those Kabuke-war-making games have
been but for one purpose—to destroy White
Christian America, by expending/bleeding her
Treasure and Blood!, for building One-World
Socialism, under the authority of the U.N.
Brutalitarians ( my term : Use It ! )—under the
authority of our would-be Commie OverLords.
[[ Note : Homeland Security officials have deem White men
to be potential terrorists—because White men are waking up
to their own demise, within their own civilization; waking to
their own worldwide genocide ! ]]
The “THEY” is the Spook Intelligence Complex, which
directs the Military Industrial Complex—both trading
their personnel with one another, and with the International
Corporate Fascists lusting for greater and greater profits
and power and pretty women (( yes, there is a subconscious
sexual component to the madness )).
Now, Y-O-U step out and
NAME that Name driving
this global turmoil, then,
confirm that NAME by
searching the two authors
of Marxian Ted Kennedy’s
Immigration Act of 1965,
which defenders, then,
had promised, lied, and
proclaimed this to White
Americans—majority in the
camp of the Right in 1965
(( nothing about communists’
planned racial, religious,
and sex DIVERSITY—and
demand for an increasing
INCLUSIVITY, absent Whitey )) :
Quoting Marxian Kennedy—
Marxian Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA),
commenting on Whites’ Fears/Concerns about
passage of his – of his Communist Handlers’ –
Immigration Act of 1965. His (broken) promises.
“Out of deference to the critics, I want to comment on … what the bill
will not do. First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants
annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration
remains substantially the same … Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country
will not be upset … Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S.500 will
not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or
the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia.
In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed
measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.
Thirdly, the bill will not permit the entry of subversive persons, criminals,
illiterates, or those with contagious disease or serious mental illness. As I
noted a moment ago, no immigrant visa will be issued to a person who is
likely to become a public charge … the charges I have mentioned are
highly emotional, irrational, and with little foundation in fact. They are out
of line with the obligations of responsible citizenship. They breed hate of
our heritage.” ( Senate Record )
Quoting Aristotle—his warnings :
On race-mixing: “Another cause of revolution is difference of races which do not at once acquire a common spirit; for a state is not the growth of a day, any more than it grows out of a multitude brought together by accident. Hence the reception of strangers in colonies, either at the time of their foundation or afterwards, has generally produced revolution.”
On bad democracy: “[T]he last form of democracy . . . [in which] all share alike . . . [and] the leaders have been in the habit of including as many as they can, and making citizens not only of those who are legitimate, but even of the illegitimate . . . This is the way in which demagogues proceed. Whereas the right thing would be to make no more additions when the numbers of the commonality exceeds that of the notables and of the middle class,—beyond this not to go . . . [these] measures taken by tyrants appear all of them to be democratic. Such a government will have many supporters, for most persons would rather live in a disorderly than in a sober manner.”
On how to install bad democracy: ”Fresh tribes and brotherhoods should be established; the private rites of families should be restricted and converted into public ones; in short, every contrivance should be adopted which will mingle the citizens with one another and get rid of old connections.”
Finis ?
Sorry Sharyl, the horses have long since left the barn on this one. Keep up the great work, Jim Campbell, I seem to post one of your articles on my site. be well, God Bless.
This one I found particularly of the media mistake covering Biden, I call them intentional misdirection.