A record amount of U.S. tax dollars have been poured into various Covid-19 initiatives: about six trillion dollars.
That’s $6,000,000,000,000.
As you can imagine, as quickly as that money went out the door, it means a lot of fraud.
We’re talking billions of dollars that we know of, so far.
Sunday on Full Measure, I’ll speak with Inspector General Mike Ware who’s helping track down all the con artists for prosecution.
Lisa Fletcher looks into the sky high cost of beef and its impact on the beef industry.
She finds the question of who’s benefitting doesn’t have the answer you might expect. American cattle ranchers say it’s not them. i
And when you follow the money, part of the trail leads to foreign beef.
And Scott Thuman reports from Israel on Biden administration plans to tamper the impact of President Trump moving the U.S. embassy to the capital of Israel, Jerusalem.
President Biden plans to open a diplomatic compound for in Israel for Muslim Palestinians.
Scott will tell us what both sides are saying about America’s policy.
We never waste your time rehashing the same news you’ve heard all week. Find out where and when to watch on TV or online by clicking this link: How to Watch Full Measure
The CARES Act, through which all that money was disbursed, originated a year before the ‘crisis’ created by the media and Fauci.
It was all part of the plandemic.
Follow the money… all this out of control expending will be eventually tracked and brought to justice as most wrong things are…
“What you’re going to do when they come for you? ” should be the phrase that we need to remember
Biden and his Administration are just dead set on undoing EVERY SINGLE THING President Trump. PERIOD. They are a bunch of vindictive jerks.
My husband and I raise cattle. We have about 40 momma cows. I watched your report this morning on who is profitting from the high beef prices. I knew it wasn’t me. I was very interested to learn that the companies that own the big processing plants are now making $1000/head proft on cattle I lose money on. Ridiculous that they lay the blame on too many cattle creating a buyers’ market. That doesn’t explain their windfall profits.