– October 27, 2021 – |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America |
What country will be the primary beneficiary from a “Billionaires Tax,” or Wealth Tax? Where will wealthy people and companies move to, leaving the United States high and dry? Most don’t need to be in the U.S. anyway. I know all of those very smartly run countries, and they are all thrilled by what the Radical Left maniacs are doing in Congress. I just wonder, will I be allowed to run for president again if I move to another country? No, I guess I’ll just stick it out, but most others won’t! |
– October 27, 2021 – |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America |
What country will be the primary beneficiary from a “Billionaires Tax,” or Wealth Tax? Where will wealthy people and companies move to, leaving the United States high and dry? Most don’t need to be in the U.S. anyway. I know all of those very smartly run countries, and they are all thrilled by what the Radical Left maniacs are doing in Congress. I just wonder, will I be allowed to run for president again if I move to another country? No, I guess I’ll just stick it out, but most others won’t! |
– October 27, 2021 – |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America |
I hope everyone is watching the MASSIVE Caravan pouring through Mexico and headed to our Country. This must be stopped before they reach our Border, or before. Just nine months ago, we had the strongest Border in our Nation’s history. This should have never happened! |
Sharyl and Full Measure Team,
Here’s What You and
Mr. Trump May not Know,
regarding factors causing
America’s decline :
— P a u l Harvey Warns of the ‘Browning of America’ —
Paul Harvey
– – –
Genocide and Culturicide
White Western Civilization
in America
( the West)
Major conservative magazines and newspapers continue their silence on the greatest story of the century, if not millennium: the rapid diminishment of power and influence of the founding race and culture of White Western civilization, engineered by Marxists and Vulture Capitalists’ importation of people of color from the Third World (( the former to build a NWO ”Utopia,” and the latter to increase consumerism and concomitant profit-taking )).
Reporting recent census numbers on the stunning increase of Asian and Hispanic populations since 1990 (( 11% and 40%, respectively )), Paul Harvey led his radio piece with these words: “THE BROWNING OF AMERICA.”
Actually, the demographic shift from White to people of color represents a phenomenon better described as a G E N O C I D E and C U L T U R I C I D E of the White race.
Note : Minorities use their race and culture
to petition the federal government, via anti-white/
pro-minority laws and regulations, against the
historically constitutional rights and interests of
your m a j o r i t y race and culture. This is no
democracy nor democratic republic !
Clever Marxist/socialist/feminist Democrats opened the floodgates even more after Clintigula took office, using open borders and the INS to gather potential Democrat voters (( Marxist-minded voters from around the world; especially from Mexico, Central America and South America )).
— You’ll Wake Up In Chains —
You’re already enslaved to tyrannical government, which applies against your founding White race and Western/Christian culture applying these civilization-wrecking tyrannies :
—soaking the culture with sex and violence and pornography via Supreme Court decisions against the majority’s wishes while the cowardly Congress abdicates its power to do the majority’s will (( the Founders would think us mad psychologically to molest our children with pornography in schools—seen everywhere )),
—confiscatory taxation requiring both spouses to work (( the Founders would have gone to war to halt this rate of taxation—actually payments of Tribute to our Washington D.C. overlords )),
—forced integration of blacks – along with other races and cultures and religions and languages from around the world – and a subsequent decline to meet their lower-IQ academic standards, excepting certain Asian ethnic groups (( the Founders would not have tolerated such Marxian, undemocratic, and unconstitutional social-engineering of White Civil Society )),
—importation of anti-White/anti-Western immigrants from the Third World to dethrone the host race and culture (( the Founders would have gone to war to stop socialists’ utopian mongrelization plan—which began with Libertine Leftists’ FORCED integration of White public schools )),
—intrusive Orwellian socialism in matters of family life, education, religion, health care and retirement (( the Founders had designed our government to prevent such tyrannical intrusions, which have wrecked families, dumbed-down education, humanized religion toward atheism and paganism, diminished health care via universal Medicare, and seriously endangered retirement programs via financial destruction of the U.S. dollar )),
—diminishing military preparedness via Democrat feminists’ insane equality demands!, turning warrior men into wimpy girly men in the accommodation (( the Founders both laugh and cry over this one—from the grave )),
—gifting deadly military technology and know-how to our enemies ( e.g., China ) for both political gain and ideological allegiances to Marxist principles (( the Founders would have had these Democrats within the White House and Congress charged with treason )),
—slaughtering wombed babies ( babycides ) while driving women into the workforce, flushing WhitebWestern civilization down human slaughterhouse sinks; and while fewer and fewer White women marry and raise children to healthy maturity (( the Founders loved their race and culture, and they were keen students of history, which refutes every idea Libertine Liberals’ Liberalism has heaped on this once-great/-moral civilization )).
— Conservative Elites Cowardly Keep Their Silence —
You are witnessing the death of an unprecedented, GRAND civilization—forged by White British and European EXPLORERS/PIONEERS ( not “immigrants” ! ).
Cowardly conservatives are silent about it, because raising the matter invites charges of racism from Marxian social-engineers, who’ll stop at nothing to finish what they lust after :
a Utopian, U.N.-run, One-World
government under Global Economic
Socialism, which Dystopia “Utopia”
requires a racial mongrelization of
the White race—the browning of
America, of GENOCIDE !
— Marxists Use Immigration to Destroy Your White Race and Western Culture —
Stop them or suffer another round of Dark Ages. You have a moral right and duty to preserve your White race and culture. Never forget this truth: Libertine Leftists are communists at the core of their being. They tell lies to bury you and your culture for global communism.
After Line-Cutter illegals flood communities, gun confiscation is their next vital move. We’re watching the rapid felling of Whites’ high-culture Christian Civilization.
Marxism is driving Libertines’ radical feminism, which emasculates White men toward weakness/passivity.
What’s happening right now is even more sinister. We’re all a target. Black people are just taking advantage anyway they know how of this situation but don’t have a clue what’s in store for them too. We all need to find a way to wake each other up before it’s too late.
President Trump has made clear that he is not about the former. This is the kind of thinking that people would like to associate him with. Let’s work together to defeat this thing. I am a black female.