While the U.S. continues to grapple with Covid-19 vaccine mandates and the fall-out, protests continue around the world.
Demonstrations have been going on in Europe since late spring as countries have discussed or introduced restrictive measures and requirements for proof of vaccination.
This video is represented as being of protests in Switzerland:
Switzerland ?? Anti WAX Passport, Anti Everything ? pic.twitter.com/CAZlZOiaCb
— ????????????? (@risemelbourne) October 30, 2021
And this demonstration is said to be in Italy:
Milan ?? Anti WAX Passport Anti Everything ? Italy says Enough ? pic.twitter.com/dpwYd8KKvH
— ????????????? (@risemelbourne) October 30, 2021
Who will enforce these vaccine mandates? We sure don’t need another wasteful expenditure on mandate enforcement. A huge amount of fraud and counterfeiting will take place. Especially when they continue to require additional jabs. What does fully vaccinated actually mean? It changes daily. A logistical nightmare, for sure. Has anyone in charge seen this through, and the challenges it presents? I doubt it.
There have been more changes in definitions of terms in the past almost two years, starting with, pandemic.
Thanks for all your hard work in bringing us the facts and truthful journalism.
We are being conditioned and controlled around the whole world. It seems that we notice it, maybe mote than most here in America. We are the last free nation in the world and are now seeing more restrictions and guidelines to either follow or face consequences. Meanwhile Washington literally gets away with murder and theft beyond comprehension. Investigation after investigation that costs the tax payers millions resulting in years of fact finding and hearing on the hill but yet no one is accountable except for a few sacrificial lambs that are well below the pay grade of the orchestrators of the mess thats created. I feel there is a fair majority in out country that see it but feel helpless to the manipulation of out government. I see a boiling pot ready to erupt while the orchestrators beef up their own security, fence and barricade themselves for protection from what they see on the near horizon. The lies, manipulation and deception has got to stop. The patriots are educating themselves and organizing in small groups. It’s only a matter of time.
How about a vaccine mandates for the 2 million plus illegal immigrants Biden has allowed since he started. Oh no, those are future Democrat voters. That’s called following the law and loving his country (China)!!!!
Not to mention that there is no such mandate for Congress or their staff.
Exactly! Just like Obama’s healthcare. Not good enough for the elite but good enough for us peasants. You can’t tell me Obama is not administering this BS from his basement.
Everybody ready for the –
Nationwide Strike Nov 8-11 2021
“Group calling for a Nationwide shutdown strike over mandates”
There’s something bigger going on in the world right now that we don’t see. Shutdowns and mask wearing for a weak virus? Global warming legislation backed by massive energy consumption to rebuild infrastructure for alternative energy and electric cars? Lockdowns are destroying human civilization and energy policies designed to “the earth” are consuming resources. We have to stand back and take a good look, nothing makes sense.
This could ALL be over IF the FDA would just DO THEIR JOB (see their mission statement below).
All they would have to do is pull these “vaccines” OFF the DAMN MARKET. Period.
FDA Mission
The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices; and by ensuring the safety of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.
I am so disheartened about employers forcing this vaccine before it’s even a true mandate. There is no actual mandate or law yet. Just Biden ‘losing his patience’ with the American public speech! I sincerely hope my employer holds the line and doesn’t follow suit. I would have to get the vaccine because I can’t lose my job. That’s not a choice to me – take a vaccine you don’t trust or believe in or lose your livelihood? That’s plain coercion