Big Tech: Why Congress Speaks Loudly and Carries a Soft Stick (PODCAST)

Congressman Ken Buck (R-Colorado) speaks to why Congress wags its finger at Big Tech so hard, but doesn’t seem to do much else. He also talks about the state of the Washington D.C. swamp.

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2 thoughts on “Big Tech: Why Congress Speaks Loudly and Carries a Soft Stick (PODCAST)”

  1. Big Tech for Dummies ?.. Split em up… Right Now Sharyl we need Congress to Curb some Further spending Idea’s, till the World gets this Covid-Virus back under Control, cases rising to curb inflation this should be First job along with releasing some U.S. Oil reserves to bring down Gas prices… Both should be Job 1 till we get this Virus in the Worlds review mirror for futures ? It’s causing massive inflation. We Need the United Nations to pass a World countries Dept relief pkg for all countries no country can afford all this stupid Virus ongoing caused problems ! ” Let no temptation of precious metals or Debt bound Mankind to the slavery of Time _ Wm. Andrews in Memory to the thinking mankind life ideas of Abraham Lincoln….

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