(POLL) Glad or sorry to have gotten vaccinated for Covid-19? Most say they didn’t get vaccinated at all

Most people say they did not get vaccinated against Covid-19 and they are ‘glad.’

That’s according to the latest unscientific poll of 1,985 people at SharylAttkisson.com.

When asked, “If Covid-vaccinated, I am…” a total of 13% reported they were glad they got vaccinated, while 17% said they were sorry.

Seventy percent (70%) said they did not get vaccinated and are glad.

Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at SharylAttkisson.com. Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.

If Covid vaccinated I am:

3% Glad, but felt forced

10% Glad, but wasn’t forced

11% Sorry and felt forced

6% Sorry, but wasn’t forced

<1% Didn’t get it and sorry

70% Didn’t get it and glad

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15 thoughts on “(POLL) Glad or sorry to have gotten vaccinated for Covid-19? Most say they didn’t get vaccinated at all”

  1. Sharyl, my wife didn’t want us to get the vaccinations because she had read that they were not thoroughly tested for safety. Although our ages could have put us first in line, we waited several month and through discussions with our family doctor who also had reservations about the vaccines. But his advice was that since we were in a high risk group and I was taking a drug that suppressed lymphocytes, that we should get the shots, which we did.

    Subsequently, I took a specialized test that not only could identify that antibodies to COVID-19 were present, but to what degree. Mine turned out to be 20% of average. So, was it worth getting the vaccinations? Only maybe. Perhaps there was some protection offered, but as we later learned, the protection wears off and booster shots come with their own set of risks. We have not sought the booster shots.

    What we have done is purchase a high quality nebulizer and use it with an 0.1% solution of hydrogen peroxide in an 0.9% saline solution plus a drop of Lugol iodine. Both the H2O2 and the iodine are recognized disinfectants that can be used safely and will kill viruses in the nasal cavities where they generally reside before migrating to the rest of one’s body. When we go out to public indoor spaces, we use the nebulizer protocol. It takes about 10-12 minutes. It’s been two years since either of us have been ill with anything. We traveled to Florida for two weeks, ate at restaurants, stayed at hotels, and went to indoor sporting events.

    Some will argue this is quackery because the FDA hasn’t tested or approved it. We have decided to go with empirical evidence and similar experiences from others. This is a quote from an article published at the National Institutes of Health although we do this with less frequency than recommended and only when we could be exposed to health risks:

    “We propose a regimen of gargling 3 times per day for disinfection of the oral cavity and nasal washes with a nebulizer twice daily (due to a greater sensitivity of the nasal mucosa). Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is safe for use on the mucous membranes as gargling or as a nasal spray; in fact, it is already commonly used in otolaryngology. Figure ​Figure11 shows the epithelial of oral mucosa treated with H2O2 3% for a period of 6 months. No damage was observed on oral mucous membranes or their microvilli after ongoing gargling treatment with H2O2 3%. Another route for SARSCoV-2 is through nasolacrimal ducts; thus, we advise the use of iodopovidone 0.5%–0.6% as eye drops (1 drop 3 times daily on conjunctiva of both eyes) due to its antiseptic action against SARS-CoV-2 within 1 minute.”


    It’s fairly common practices for dentists and oral hygienists to have patients wash out their mouths with a 1-2% solution of H2O2 before they start their work because it sterilizes the area and prevents an infection from spreading from the gums or decayed teeth.

    1. If you don’t mind sharing, what was the specialized test you took? I would like some definitive proof that I have recovered from what was almost certainly an infection in early 2020, which I never tested for. Thanks.

    2. Your information about H2O2 rinses “sterilizing” the mouth is bogus. You can never sterilize the mouth – learn the difference between various levels of disinfection – sanitize -disinfect -sterilize.

      Routine hydrogen peroxide rinse are never recommended nor are they routinely used in dental offices. When over used can cause an over-growth of opportunistic oral microbial, which is not temporarily knocked out by the H2O2.

      For a time chlorhexidine mouth rinses were offered to patients, until they too were found to be harmful for routine use. Oral microbial are extremely complex- simple debridement of dental plaques to reduce volume remains the best technique – for short term gain.

      Hydrogen peroxide rinsing is window dressing – feels like it is doing something therapeutic, but in fact is not. Same with any mouth wast claims like Listerine – you need to hold it in your mouth for a very long time – 20 minutes or so to even remotely have some minor disinfecting effect.

      Go ahead and do this for yourself, but is is irresponible to pass this off as recommendations for yourself. I do none of this and have also been remarkably healthy for a very long time.

      Anecdote is not science – nor is Dr Fauci science. But tinkering with your own home remedies is not prohibited. Just keep them to yourself.

  2. I Read Story and replies = ‘ A Shot in the Dark, Roll of the Dice ? = Vaccine assisted rights not to have to get old and sicker ??? (( Either way outcome may be for the Better for people over 60 tired of this World, and all the Greedy corrupt Minion’s of lucifer in it ! )) Proving even a blind squirrrel has to find a Acorn sometimes ??? Lol, “what would have Ann Landers have thought here ?

  3. well i am all mosr 72 and i did not get ther shots and wont. them getting the shots . they must not see all that is out here . showing the greed.misleading and stright out lieing .because that all shows it is all about the money and nothing ouse. i seen the other week where some 6 trillion dollars world wide has been spent on the virrus and them vaccines . to see that much money in the middle of this shows why so many have been bought / and once bought always woned and never trusted. and no matter how you sugar coat it. the dnc and all that backs them are bought and owned by the big drug industries

  4. Thanks for the comments and info:)
    My 2 cents, if interested:
    Forget the rule of “Dont touch your face”, it’s actually Dont RUB Your EYES or pick your NOSE ( unless with immaculately clean hands). These are viral ports of entry. .
    My Hubby- 80 y.o., has followed this rule for past 10 years and has not been sick with even a cold during these 10 years. Previously, he would get bad colds/flu each year. . So, Ladies, maybe keep that in mind when applying makeup..
    Btw- (We are both unvaxxed.)

    1. You raise the first line of infection defense – keep your finger tips out of your own nose, mouth and eyes.

      Perhaps that is the only value of “masks” – they temporarily prevent people from picking their own covered noses.

      Nose picking is the primary inadvertent act so many engage in that directly injects what ever is on your dirty fingertips right into your upper respiratory system.

      So common, so crude, but nary a whisper mention of this simple prohibition while the entire world was sent asunder chasing down surrogate prevention techniques. .

      We failed basic science on this entire topic, refusing to put nose-picking into polite conversation. But it is so obvious – direct and dirty contact with one’s innards. Self-innoculated.

  5. Overuse of hydrogen peroxide rinses can lead to a condition called “black hairy tongue” and it looks exactly as its name implies.

    Oral microbiology is so complex if you try to knock out one bug, you allow other bugs to over-grow. In this case there are bugs who keep your tongue fur in check – knock them out with chemical rinses and black hairy tongue is the surprise result.

    Just don’t buy into the fear mongering need for 24 hour constant vigilance against the zombie apocalypse, and you will do far better than relying these ritual totems of dubious efficacy and potential harm.

    1. Yes , Creator God Whom Gave Me A Well Functioning Immune System That He Designed , Must’ve Gone To MIT since it’s kept me in great health as a sailor ! Been in many a strange port during stormy seas & have survived the tosses & tumbles of many an encounter ; with No Health Consequences that were long lasting.

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