A recent study finds that vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid supplements decreased the likelihood of autoimmune disease by 25% to 30%.
People who do not get vitamin D from regular sun exposure or eat a diet rich in vitamin D may find their levels low or deficient. Scientists say that could impact their ability to ward off autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn’s disease.
In fact, researchers say there appears to be a relationship between vitamin D and Covid-19. A recent study from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in May of 2021 discovered that vitamin D deficiency is associated with Covid-19 cases as well as severity of the disease. (See NIH study)
Below is an excerpt from MedPage.
During 5 years of follow-up in a cohort of almost 17,000 adults, there were 123 incident cases of autoimmune disease among those who were taking vitamin D supplements daily, while there were 155 among those on placebo, for a hazard ratio of 0.78 (95% CI 0.61-1.00, P=0.045), reported Karen Costenbader, MD, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.
“Supplementation for 5 years with vitamin D3 and/or omega-3 fatty acids reduced incident autoimmune disease by 25% to 30% in older adults versus those who received neither supplement,” she concluded.
“I don’t have to convince this audience of the burden of autoimmune diseases. These diseases affect 5% to 8% of the population, or 15 to 20 million Americans. They are among the top 10 causes of death among women under 65 in the U.S. and the second most common cause of chronic illness,” she said in a plenary session at the 2021 virtual annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology.
There currently is no means of preventing autoimmune diseases, which include conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica, and psoriasis.
Read full Medpage article here
There are several misconceptions about vitamin D. It will take generations to overcome the fallacies, i.e. rickets.
This talk is also informative but controversial because it challenges the norm. But that is what science is supposed to do.
FINALLY ! Dr Mercola has been saying this for a LONG time, now add the value of Vit C and B’s (plus zinc / K ) and you have a Covid strategy for preventing and recovery.
It’s been working for me for over 2 yrs … thank you Dr Mercola
Vitamin D3, zinc, quercetin, and a variety of other OTC products have been reported to be effective prophylactics against Covid-19. On another site, I saw a compilation of studies which form the basis for those claims. Calling these products “effective” does not mean they are 100% effective, anymore than the vaccines, or the protocols used for hospitalized patients, are 100% effective, but it would seem wise to encourage people to take advantage of them. I would also suggest that these products are probably more effective than wearing masks or standing six feet from other people in grocery stores.
Instead, there seems to be an organized campaign to try to discredit – even mock and sometimes even prohibit (e.g., Ivermectin) – EVERYTHING but the vaccines.
Stephen et al.,
Find the history of “Codex” being applied to GB/Europe,
requiring a doctor’s prescription to purchase health-pro-
tecting supplements—and the Medical Mafia has lusted
after that DRACONIAN restriction here in America for
decades !.
Medical Mafia’s “research” outcomes, re vitamins, are
routinely falsified/biased against patients’ well-being.