November 22, 2021 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America The whole world is watching the tragedy which just took place in Waukesha, Wisconsin, it is devastating, horrible, and very very sick! My heart goes out to the people of this great, beautiful, and hardworking community. We must find the answers to this terrible crime, and stop these violent and depraved acts from happening again. I am with you Waukesha, and always will be! |
November 22, 2021 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America |
Fake News refusing to cover the Presidential Election Fraud is the Russia Hoax in REVERSE: No coverage of a real scandal, versus endless coverage of a Democrat Fake News scandal! |
Mr. Trump ( and Full Measure Team )
This may help you to conclude what’s
afoot across in the land :
— Operation Mocking Bird —
“In 1976, Senator Frank Church’s investigation into the CIA exposed their corruption of the media. The Church Committee reported: ‘The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda.
”These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets’ …
”The tactic was straightforward. False news reports or propaganda would be provided by CIA writers to knowing and unknowing reporters who would simply repeat the falsehoods over and over again.” :
Juxtapose the above
Church Committee
exposition with this
charge made by
John Swinton, then
extrapolate—to find
how any journalist is
able to freely report
the TRUTH (( count
the number of deaths
– mysterious killings –
of investigative news-
paper journalists; and
Michael Hastings is a
recent example )).
“There is no such thing, at this date in the world’s
history, in America, as an independent press . . . If
I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one
issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my
occupation would be gone. The business of the
journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright;
to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon,
and to sell his country and his race for his daily
bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is
this toasting an independent press? We are the
tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes.
We are the jumping jacks; they pull the strings and
we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our
lives are all the property of other men. We are
intellectual prostitutes.” -John Swinton ( 1883 )
[[ Swinton was the former Chief-of-Staff
of the New York Times, speaking before
the New York Press Club—to toast an
“independent” press. ]]
“I ate breakfast last week with the president of a network news division at CBS, and he told me that during non-election years, 70% of the advertising revenues for his news division come from pharmaceutical ads. And if you go on TV any night and watch the network news, you’ll see they become just a vehicle for selling pharmaceuticals. He also told me that he would fire a host who brought onto his station a guest who lost him a pharmaceutical account.” — Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Yes-yes-yes! Thank you for your input on this deliberately obfuscated detail re the “fake news” and the emergence of “The Narrative.” Senator Church was on the case–many details were made known, and the corruption continues. Scattering the agency into a thousand pieces would be a benefit to this nation and the world.
I think the donald should get over it and realize the election will not change, it is what it is.
The more he whines about it the less people care about him, it’s like Miss Piggy (hrc), she had to be a 2 or 3 time loser before she actually shut up.
Speak for yourself, not “the people”. Whining? You should know how that works.
I think you’re completely wrong. Millions of people care. I didn’t even vote for him and I would vote for him now and I care and I haven’t stopped caring. After watching the corruption of this last election I changed my political party from democrat to independent. I don’t know I think there was corruption and obfuscation I know it. I believe it. And millions of people do so speak for yourself he’s not a whiner to me. He speaks very little actually compared to the majority of the people that I see on social media talking about it. A lot of people are very disturbed on it so speak for yourself you do not speak for me nor do you speak for anyone I know. If he ran again in 2024 he would have my vote.
Really Doug? I’m sure you would love for our true President to “get over it” then you would not have to be reminded of the horrible atrocities that could have been avoided. President Trump should continue his quest to expose the fraud and corruption. In the end, the truth cannot be hidden and will be revealed. I for one will never care less about him and the great America he represents. Never, never give up!
I’m not quite sure which is worse. A lawyer standing before a jury and judge spewing lies that ultimately sends an innocent man to prison? Or, a newspaper reporter who prints a false story that enables and emboldens a lawyer to stand before a judge and jury spewing lies that ultimately sends and innocent man to prison? There is a final judgement day coming. Praise the Lord.
the freedom of the press has never changed ??? it was the news papers back then that mislead america into killing off all of the indans nations ..( to still there lands ) so you see they have alway been for sale. and always been controled by the gov. it is jest the internet makes it easyer to see throw them. and once bought always owned and never trusted. and that is the truth about all news sites
I find that the Daily Mail from England shows more news than any U.S. news site or paper. Also, Armstrong Economics’ blog is worth getting each day as he has info from around the world which we in the U.S. do not get and will not be reported on. The news in the U.S. is censored.