Despite more people vaccinated for Covid than ever, case count surges

The current spike in Covid during the highly-contagious Omicron outbreak has exceeded the summer’s Delta spike.

That’s according to reports citing Johns Hopkins University data.

Reports differ on whether Omicron is less serious than past iterations of Covid.

Scientists say children have a near-zero statistical risk of getting seriously ill from Covid. CDC says the rate of serous Covid illness among healthy adults is also very small.

Read Variety’s list of all the cancelled sporting and entertainment events due to the surge.

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2 thoughts on “Despite more people vaccinated for Covid than ever, case count surges”

  1. I have a problem calling this thing a vaccine. I received Jonas’ Salk’s polio vaccine in the late ‘50s. Never got polio nor did any of my vaccinated peers. I was given a smallpox vaccine after birth in the ‘40s. Never got small pox.

    What these people are selling is a FLU shot. The shot may work or maybe won’t. The fact that you need to get 3 or 4 of these shots in the same year would indicate the shots don’t always work. Every year the best and brightest gather to design next years flu shot. These are people of high character but are coming up with a guess about which strain will be prominent. They are usually close but people still get the flu.

    Just remember this is a flu shot not a vaccine, regardless of what they call it.

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