November 30, 2021 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America |
Old Crow Mitch McConnell, who is getting beaten on every front by the Radical Left Democrats since giving them a two-month delay which allowed them to “get their act together,” must be fully prepared to use the DEBT CEILING in order to totally kill the Democrat’s new Social Spending (Wasting!) Bill, which will change our Country forever. Mitch and the Republican Senators had them beaten, but didn’t know it, and we ended up with the Unfrastructure Bill, which is only 11% infrastructure. Worse, he allowed a splitting of the Bills (with 19 votes, including himself), which makes the Dems path for the even worse Bill a much easier one. Use the Debt Ceiling, Mitch, show strength and courage. Our Country is being destroyed. |
November 30, 2021 |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America |
Great news for television viewers, they have just suspended Chris Cuomo indefinitely! The big question is, was it because of his horrendous ratings, which in all fairness have permeated CNN and MSDNC, or was it because his brother is no longer Governor? Probably both. In any event, Fredo is gone! |
December 1, 2021 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America The story of me having COVID prior to, or during, the first debate is Fake News. In fact, a test revealed that I did not have COVID prior to the debate. |
Yes we can beat the devils, Fakenews like CNN + MSDNC etc, and receive our Rights back with Truenews. Thanks to Parler.
Sharyl, love ya, have sent you $$ for both your reporting and your Federal suit against the DOJ, but you excuse to continue FB use flys in the face of logic. If there is one thing you are, it is logical (and determined and grounded, and candid and my hero).
If I was America I would Get Rid of the Debt Ceiling and Have the United Nations adopt a Covid-19, Debt Relief pkg for all countries… My thoughts Is it has nothing to do with Republican’s or Democrats politic issues ?. ” It’s All about Justice of Others in beggining not to Have caught and isolate this Virus from get go !. That resulted as Donald Trump even seen while he was in Office, causing virus to spread around the World. Making it too late after that, causing Massive Death and Massive ongoing Economic Damages .. The Whole point decades ago that China had 5G Network because it said it could use to keep a eye on any troubles monitoring things and people,in there countries for the Better, turns out was A Malarky drop of the survaliance Ball ?.. For that reason All countries deserve economic damage Justice from this ongoing Virus ! Further Note on matters ; It’s not going to be fair for Average Americans in the Future, to have politicians hold average Americans feet to the Fire in econo0mic Slavery to give up more to pay for all this while other Countries do not use Debt relief ??? (( “Growing A Set, For Economic justice ??? ))
Obviously, English is not your first language, nor is logical reasoning your strong suit.
I flushed twice and still could not get this babbling bs down the drain, wow!