The following is commentary intended for discussion. Add your comments.
If the scientists who promoted lockdowns were so wrong, and the scientists who knew it from the start were so right, why are the scientists who were right called “fringe,” and the scientists who were wrong still in charge?
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We need information on Ivermectin. Did you cover it?
Because this has never been about health or safety. It has always been about power and control.
Money. It’s always money. And the effective control of good people who are too scared to speak up because they are desperate to keep their jobs.
Dr. Fauci and his cohorts control the purse strings and have a financial interest in maintaining control and the narrative. The politicians are now boxed in. If they go against the narrative then they risk being seen as uncaring. Of course that assumes that they aren’t in on the take from big pharma as well.
The Politicians and media that pushed the Covid fear are afraid of what will happen when the public figures out they have been misled so they are pushing out the day of reckoning for as long as possible. It won’t save them.
This is the precise question that we should be seeking answers for. It seems to me that there was always a larger, nefarious agenda at play, and this global pandemic was merely a tool to gain power and control. The thing is, if this pandemic didn’t have the desired effect global “leaders” were pushing for, then there will almost certainly be another global impact event coming our way soon. There needs to be an accounting now before it’s too late. Drag it all out into the light…the only possible disinfectant at this point.
We know it was about power, control and money. The reaction to Covid was used by those that want the great reset for the elites to take over. The problem is we should have known this from the beginning. I hate to say it but Trump started us down this road even having Fauci in there in the first place. The economic toll will take generations to get over, but we must learn from our mistakes. NEVER AGAIN.
It’s about power and control and the only reason it can happen is that a very large portion of the people in power and the people who communicate to large portions of the US are dishonest in said communications. I suspect a small percentage of them are simply oblivious to what’s happening and lack the ability to peek outside their bubbles.
The politicians are also corrupt or cowards and refuse to go with common sense and those who make cogent arguments vs those who just pull a policy out and say, “science says we do this”
If they were to fire all those who deserve being fired, the house of cards would collapse in a spectacular fashion with everyone inside. So they double and triple down and the puppets in the MSM are just too happy to read the prompter so they don’t have to go outside and do anything resembling journalism.
It was all about getting rid of Trump and as a side benefit to China, getting rid of the HUGE Hong Kong protests that were becoming a serious threat to the communist regime there at the time. They could have Howdy Doody giving advice and it wouldn’t matter. Just look behind the curtain and see what is actually taking place. Scary times….
Look who is making billions … not much more to say unless you are willing to go to war to fix it. I’m way too old for that so I’m just gonna sit back and watch while the rest of the fools believe the BS and die because they are gullible and in most cases, just idiots.
They need to be in charge to continue to cover their tracks and too many powerful politicians went all in for the lockdowns. How can they admit failure without losing face? This was an unmitigated disaster that is still ongoing, especially with the way we are treating children.
Fauci’s M.O. during AIDS was remarkably similar with the same disastrous results (on a smaller scale). I believe he knows that as soon as the truth about funding Gain of Function research gets out, he will no longer be able to hold onto his position. Maybe only then will he receive the comeuppance he deserves. He shouldn’t be in charge of anything ever again..
Because medical corruption at every level, from the researchers at the university to the physicians, has been growing like a cancer for decades. Covid “pandemic” shed a good light on it.
“‘They aren’t going to publish their findings, they are concerned about losing research money’
Dr Aseem Malhotra reveals a cardiology researcher found similar results to a new report showing an increase in risk of heart attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine.”