Judicial Watch and CatholicVote Civic Action are suing the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for records of communications with Catholic organizations near the Texas border that are spending US tax dollars to help illegal immigrants.
The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia after both the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol and HHS each failed to respond to Freedom of Information requests for the documents.
The following information has been provided by Judicial Watch:
Sister Pimentel, Executive Director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley (CCRGV), acknowledged in a Feb. 3 interview, that her charity is reimbursed with tax dollars to buy “very few” plane and bus tickets for illegal aliens to move throughout the United States.
In July 2021, a Texas Police Officer encountered a Covid-positive illegal immigrant family at a fast food restaurant near the border who had been released by Border Patrol. The family told the officer that Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, “had booked all the rooms in the hotel to house undocumented immigrants detained by Border Patrol.”
The police added that, “Border Patrol was quarantining other undocumented individuals who were Covid positive, or showed symptoms of illness, then handing them over to the non-profit. Catholic Charities would in turn place the undocumented individuals in hotels …”
On July 28, 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order halting the transportation of illegal immigrants by any person other than, “a federal, state or local law-enforcement official.”
“The Biden administration has refused to provide copies of communications between Catholic-affiliated charities and organizations at the border. Their lack of transparency and obstruction forced us to file these federal lawsuits. American Catholics deserve to know the full extent of the U.S. government’s role in funding and coordinating with Catholic church affiliated agencies at the border, and what role these agencies played in the record surge of illegal immigrants over the past year. We will do whatever is necessary to uncover the truth.”
Brian Burch, President of CatholicVote.
“Americans have the right to know how the Biden administration is using tax dollars to conspire with ‘charities’ and release illegal immigrants into their communities.”
President Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch
CatholicVote.org is a community of patriotic Americans who believe that the timeless truths of the Catholic faith are good for America. It makes its mission “to inspire every Catholic in America to live out the truths of our faith in public life.”
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Government money is probably pouring into the coffers of some Catholic charities, and most bishops apparently support illegal immigration as a way of filling up empty pews. Meanwhile, more and more bishops (and laity) support abandoning traditional moral positions on marriage, abortion, and homosexuality in order to placate the demands of the Democrat Party and secular atheists in general.
This looks a lot like the great falling away predicted in the New Testament. All we need as an anti-Christ.
I am not sure as to the question she was asked, but I would say the question had anything to do to do with plane and bus tickets..
There is a good possibility that the good Sister does not have a clue as to the total amount of money provided to Catholic Charities, beyond her little operation. I would say the Sister is working herself to the point of exhaustion.
When the facility needs to be emptied out to may room for the next batch of Illegal Aliens crossing the border, someone could show up with a brief case filled with plane and bus tickets and pass them out directly, thereby bypassing the Sister. Minimal expenses could occur at the border. The luxury accommodations would occur at the final destination.
I will hazard a guess that the US Government is paying the Roman Catholic Church about $5 billion dollars a year for various services provided to Illegal Aliens.