(READ) Watchdog group sues CIA for records of contact with Clinton campaign lawyer

Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) requesting records of meetings and phone conversations between any CIA personnel and former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann.

Sussmann has been charged with making a false statement to a federal agent. He’s under investigation as part of the efforts to get to the bottom of the intelligence community’s false claims that Trump was a Russian spy, and the agencies’ multiple partnerships with Clinton campaign associates.

On Feb. 11, Special Counsel John Durham, who is investigating the origins of the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, filed a motion referring to alleged conflicts of interest related to Sussmann’s lawyers.

Sussmann has pleaded not guilty.

In a Fox News report on Feb. 15, someone referred to in Durham’s filing as “Tech Executive-1” has identified the CIA as a “second” federal government agency Sussmann provided an “updated set of allegations” to “establish ‘an inference’ and ‘narrative’” tying Donald Trump to Russia.

President Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch says, “The CIA is in cover-up mode about its communications with the lawyer implicated in a shady spy operation against President Trump. What is the CIA hiding about its role in this plot against President Trump?”

Judicial Watch filed this lawsuit after the CIA failed to reply to their Oct. 26, 2021 FOIA request for these communication records. 

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6 thoughts on “(READ) Watchdog group sues CIA for records of contact with Clinton campaign lawyer”

  1. this is the only wat to weed out the corruption out in the CIA ,FBI AND THE REST IS TO GO AFTER THERE ACTIONS. AND WHEN YOU CATCH ONE. MAKE SURE THEY GET THE MAX

  2. No wonder NONE of the agencies of the government can be trusted. THEY are the enemy of the people., They are the keepers of the swamp!

  3. Between the FBI, CIA, Central Intelligence, George Soros, Suckabuger, killary, China and Russia it will take an elite group of freedom fighters lead by Trump to drain the swamp. The issue is the rinos and the democrats are dug in deep.

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