When it comes to green energy, we’d like to think we’re operating in away that’s entirely clean.
But as companies, individuals, and the government work hard to adopt more green technology, it’s becoming clear that green can be far from clean.
Sunday on Full Measure, we’ll look at the toll that green energy experts say solar, wind, and electric are taking on the environment. I’ll speak with Will Toor of the Colorado Energy Dept. and Steve Koonin, who worked in the Obama Energy Dept.
You might be surprised by some of the findings.

Also, Scott Thuman is with us to talk about the international chip shortage. There’s a plan to fill the gap so that the U.S. isn’t so reliant on China for this important component to everything from our cars to our electronic devices.
The plan involves a lot of your tax money.

And experts have long warned that one of the biggest national security threats facing America today is a potential cyberattack from China or Russia.
A special government panel that you probably haven’t heard about recently finished two years of work with the goal of telling Congress the best ways to protect against a nefarious assault that could have massively harmful– even deadly– consequences.
We never waste your time rehashing the same news you’ve heard all week. Find out where and when to watch on TV or online by clicking this link: How to Watch Full Measure

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